낮은 땅 네덜란드 2013년 7월 8일 YGF 2014 Kyung Sagong
네덜란드 인구: 16.87 million (2014) 면적: 41,543 km2 1인당 GDP: $ 43,300 언어: Dutch 경상 남북도 정도
네덜란드 주요 도시 입헌군주국 (Willem-Alexander 국왕) 수도 : Amsterdam 행정수도 : Den Haag (The Hague)
Industry: Service 71.2% - Transportation & Logistics: Rotterdam Port, Schiphol Airport, KLM - Banking & Insurance: ING Group (60th), Aegon wholesale and retail, and transportation, such as production and employment services industry for more than 70% of GDP 자료원 : 네덜란드물류협회(Holland International Distribution Council), The Global Competitiveness Report 2009-2010, Port of Rotterdam
Industry: Manufacturing 25.4% - Chemistry & food processing: Unilever, DSM, Heineken N.V., Akzo Nobel Petrochemistry & oil field: Royal Dutch Shell Electronics: Philips ahold philips akzo Nobel Royal Dutch Shell DSM Unilever iNG Heineken KlM aSMl
Industry: Agriculture 2.3% - 0.008% of the world's area - World's 3rd largest agricultural exporter - 4% of the Dutch population in agriculture sector 농업, 축산, 낙농업은 네덜란드 대표 산업으로 감자 생산량 세계최고 수준, 소 1두당 우유 생산량, 달걀, 연유, 치즈 등의 수출량 세계 최고 임. 고도의 기계화를 통해 국내 총생산의 약 4%, 노동력의 약 3.8% 종사. 또한 튤립 등 화훼산업이 유명함. Agriculture, livestock, dairy industry is the leading industry.
Dutch Science & Technology Scientific Technology ranked 10th (2009) Excellence in the field of: Earth and Environmental Sciences Chemical Engineering Physics Veterinary Medicine Agriculture
Dutch Science & Technology Education, Culture and Science and funded by the government Government funding agencies Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) – National Research Council Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) – Society of individual researchers, Government advisory on scientific matters government has promoted research activities through the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research NWO funds thousands of top researchers at universities and institutes and steers the course of Dutch science by means of subsidies and research programmes NWO is an independent administrative body under the auspices of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The organization receives about 400 million euros per year, of which approximately 300 million comes directly from the ministry. NWO directs the 300 million budget toward Dutch universities and institutes, often on a project basis. Also, the NWO has its own institutes. KNAW The Academy advises the Dutch government on matters related to scientific research The Academy offers solicited and unsolicited advice to parliament, ministries, universities and research institutes, funding agencies and international organizations. Assessing the quality of scientific research (peer review) Providing a forum for the scientific world and promoting international scientific cooperation Acting as an umbrella organization for the institutes primarily engaged in basic and strategic scientific research and disseminating information Society of outstanding scientists, institute organization and government advisory
Dutch Research Institutes/Companies 네덜란드 암 연구센터 해양기술 연구소 네덜란드 에너지 연구 센터 The Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) is one of the largest energy research institute in Europe and holds a strong international position. ECN’s research and technology development focuses on: Solar Energy Wind Energy Biomass Environmental research Energy efficiency Policy Studies TNO - Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scient Crucell is a biotechnology company specializing in vaccines and antibodiesific Research DSM[2] (in full Koninklijke DSM N.V., or Royal DSM[3]) is a Dutch-based multinational life sciences and materials sciences company. DSM's global end markets include food and dietary supplements,[4] personal care, feed,[5] medical devices,[6] automotive,[7] paints,[8] electrical and electronics, life protection, alternative energy and bio-based materials.[ (Maritime Research Institute Netherlands) National Aerospace Laboratory 혈액 연구소 네덜란드 응용과학 연구기관 항공우주연구소 생명 공학 회사 생명 과학 및 재료 과학 회사
네덜란드 주요 (공과)대학 Technical Univ. of Delft (1842년 설립) 항공우주, 기계, 건축, 토목, 전자, 산업디자인, 물리, 화학 한인유학생: 조교수 1명, PostDoc 4명, 박사과정 8명, 석학사 ± 50명 Technical Univ. of Eindhoven (1956) 전자, 컴퓨터, 기계, 산업디자인 Wageningen Univ. and Research (1918) 바이오, 농업, 식품, 미생물, DNA
University of Amsterdam Universiteit van Amsterdam Established in 1632 Staff 4,629 Students 31,123 Undergraduates 19,841 Postgraduates 10,331 92 Master's programmes: (66 taught in English) - 20 research masters - 8 dual studies Name est. City Students University of Amsterdam 1632 Amsterdam 31,123 VU University Amsterdam 1880 18,000 University of Groningen 1614 Groningen 26,500 Leiden University 1575 Leiden 17,630 Maastricht University 1976 Maastricht 11,463 Radboud University Nijmegen 1923 Nijmegen 17,650 Erasmus University Rotterdam 1913 Rotterdam 20,666 Tilburg University 1927 Tilburg 11,399 University of Utrecht 1636 Utrecht 26,787 Delft University of Technology 1842 Delft 13,383 Eindhoven University of Technology 1956 Eindhoven 7100 University of Twente 1961 Enschede 8,500 Wageningen University 1918 Wageningen 8500 alternate between practical and theoretical teaching