This Powerpoint template will guide you through your project. Project instructions are in the notes section at the bottom of each slide. If the notes section is not visible, go to ‘View’, ‘Show’ and select ‘Notes’. Be sure to have your approved Project Plan Proposal and Project Evaluation form handy, you will be transferring information from them to this power point. Before you submit your project: Spell check and proof your work thoroughly. Be sure that you have cited or referenced all of your sources. Delete all of the instructions from the notes section at the bottom of each slide. Delete this slide and the last slide. (white print on black background).
Title of Project [Candidate Name and credentials] Mentor: [Mentor name and credentials] [Date] This plan is submitted by the candidate as an exemplary contribution to the Body of Knowledge and in partial fulfillment of the Public Works Manager (PWM) credentialing requirements to the Research Council of the APWA Donald C. Stone Center for Leadership Excellence in Public Works program.
The APWA Donald C. Stone Center for Leadership Excellence in Public Works is a comprehensive education and credentialing system that defines requirements for all skill levels within public works. It honors the memory of Donald C. Stone, founder of APWA, educator, federal planner and pioneer in modern public works. In this light, this project is submitted by the candidate as an exemplary contribution to the public works body of knowledge and in partial fulfillment of the Public Works Manager credentialing requirements.
Executive Summary
My Rationale and Role for the Project
Challenge(s) or Core Question
Project SWOT
Research: Best or Current Practice Author Title Date Source Summary 9
Research: Interview or Benchmark Name, title Why Date Source Summary 10
Research Summary
The Plan Steps
Systems Considerations
Sustainability Considerations Social Economic Environmental
Operational Performance Indicators
Communication Plan
Lessons Learned
Next Steps
Thank you
Before you submit your project: Delete this slide and the first slide (white print on black background). Delete this last instructional slide (white print on black background). Before submitting your completed project, please delete the instructions from the notes section at the bottom of each slide. Spell check and proof your work thoroughly. Be sure that you have cited or referenced all of your sources. Make sure your mentor signs off on your project before uploading it. Congratulations! In the future, consider using this format for your projects.