CURRENT CHALLENGES FACING HYDROPOWER DEVELOPMENT IN EUROPE Brussels 1-2 october 2009 Sara Gollessi APER (Association of Producers of Energy from Renewables)


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Presentation transcript:

CURRENT CHALLENGES FACING HYDROPOWER DEVELOPMENT IN EUROPE Brussels 1-2 october 2009 Sara Gollessi APER (Association of Producers of Energy from Renewables) The situation in Italy….

HYDRorPOWER? Assessment, at river basin level, of possible hydropower productivity with reference to objectives and targets set by WFD and RES-e Directives

WFD transposition in Italy  Legislative Decree 152/2006  OFFICIAL TRANSPOSITION  Law 27/02/2009 n. 13  temporary extension of “old” River Basin Authorities, until the “new” district authorities will be fully operative and setting of deadlines: Sources: - Regional water protection plans - river basin authorities studies and assessments  30/06/09 RBMP drafts (WFD: 2008)  public consultation (WFD: 2006)  22/12/09 RBMP approval (WFD: 2009) Great delay in the transposition and consequently implementation of the WFD  3 infraction procedures (failure to transpose the directive, failure to fulfil obligations under art. 3, failure to fulfil the obligations under art. 5.1 and 15.2) SHORT TIME !!

The role of the Ministry of environment….

RES Directive transposition (Directive 2009/28/CE)  Law 27/02/09 n. 13 (art. 8bis)  BURDEN SHARING Within 90 days the Ministry of Economy will set the sharing among the Regions of the national target for 2020  June 2009: extension of the deadline  other 2 months!  Law 23/07/09 n. 99 (art. 27, c.16)  POTENTIAL The Ministry of Economy will set common criteria and procedures to assess the renewable potential and the available resources.  Still waiting for the “Community Law”  OFFICIAL TRANSPOSITION of the Directive 30/06/2010 deadline for delivery of ACTION PLANS!

Hydropower in Italy Installed capacity (2007 & 2008) Total renewables Hydropower Production (2007 & 2008) Hydropower Total renewables

Renewables production trend PVwindbiomass geothermal hydrototal

Distribution of HP production Year 2008 – source GSE Po river basin district

PO river basin - Lenght of the river: 657 Km - Catchment area: km rivers (1522 natural and 64 HM) - 96 lakes (13 natural and 54 HM) -  900 HP plants -  50% of total installed capacity -  180 artificial reservoirs

Industrial concentration

Morphological alterations

Ecological status bad good

Pollution bad good

Natural, articifial and HM HM artificial natural

Present status

Ecological status: objectives

Chemical status: objectives

Natural water bodies (rivers)

HMWB (rivers)

Artificial water bodies (rivers)

Measures  Improving the efficiency of the existing HP plants through experimental operational procedures  Review of the concessions in case of water scarcity  Removal or modification of transveral and longitudinal structures to allow fish migration  Sediment management programmes at regional scale  quite general  not linked to a specific environmental context  the economic analysis is still missing

Conclusions HMWB: the designation of a river as HMWB was specifically caused by the hydropower use only in a few cases Existing HP plants: even if the majority of the potential is already exploited, the international commitments for the reduction of greenhouse gasses emissions will not allow to impose hard restrictions to the existing concessions. New HP plants: the big number of new requests for SHP concession seems to be incompatible with the achievement of the WFD objectives. Possible solution  Certification!!

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