Use of Socio-Economic Information Kevin Brady Marine Scotland 8/6/2011
Use of Socio-Economic Information Selection of Nature Conservation MPAs based primarily on scientific evidence Socio-economic information taken into account: –To identify areas of low activity corresponding to least damaged / more natural features –Once ecological requirements of network are met –Where 2+ sites meet scientific guidelines equally –When developing management and boundaries of MPAs MPAs are subject to impact assessment and public consultation
Business & Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) Purpose (objectives and rationale) Consultation Options –Who’s affected –Costs –Benefits Scottish Firms Impact Test Enforcement, Sanctions and Monitoring Implementation and Delivery Plan
When is a BRIA required? Applies to legislation, codes of practice, regulations BRIAs are required if proposals: –Impose additional costs or reduce existing costs on business / voluntary sector –Impose additional costs on public sector organisations delivering services –Transfer costs or benefits from one group to another BRIAS try to identify proposals’ trade-offs –Premise: always desirable to assess impacts of a policy proposal.
Hierarchy of Analysis Content of BRIA shaped by proportionality principle –Proportionate to problem involved, size of proposal Levels of analysis 1.Identification of ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ 2.Full description of costs and benefits 3.Quantification of impacts / effects 4.Partial valuation of costs and benefits 5.Fully monetise costs and benefits
What will it involve in practice? Estimating a ‘baseline’ –What activities take place at proposed MPA? –What activities might take place in foreseeable future? –Trends in activity and value Potential impact of MPA –Would MPA designation affect activity? –To what extent / how severely? Scale and value of those impacts?
Useful References MPA selection guidelines – ine-environment/mpanetwork/mpaguidelineshttp:// ine-environment/mpanetwork/mpaguidelines SG BRIA guidance – Industry/support/better-regulation/partial- assessments/BRIAGuidance/BRIAGuidancehttp:// Industry/support/better-regulation/partial- assessments/BRIAGuidance/BRIAGuidance HM Treasury’s Green Book –