It was founded by John Mason, David Thomson, and Edward Hilton. New Hampshire It was founded in 1622-1623 It was founded by John Mason, David Thomson, and Edward Hilton.
New Hampshire’s First People!! The first people in New Hampshire were the Algonquians. In the early 1600’s the first Europeans arrived. The Algonquians did not believe in owning land. The Algonquians did not understand when settlers tried to buy their land.
The Early Settlers By the 1600s, France and Spain had formed colonies in the Americas. Animals in the French colonies supplied valuable furs. 1622- Land granted to John Mason First settlements were Hilton’s Point and Pannaway Plantation. In 1641, the Massachusetts Bay Colony took over New Hampshire.
The Early Settlers People settled along the Piscataqua River. The town they settled in was Strawberry Banke. In 1623, David Thomson was granted land and he named it Pannaway Plantation.
Life in the Colony They had farms all over in New Hampshire. The land that they farmed on was rocky and covered with forests. Men farmed, fished, and hunted. Women worked in gardens and cooked meals, while caring for children. Massachusetts law said that if towns had 50 or more families must hire teachers.
As more people came to New Hampshire the Algonquian lost their land. Settlers used treaties to get Algonquian land. The Algonquian attacked the early settlers for stealing their land. 1763-Britain wins French and Indian wars.
Work and Trade Many settlers were fishers or fur traders. The colonists traded fish and furs to Europeans. In the 1600s, New Hampshire’s lumber industry was booming. The most prized trees in New Hampshire were White Pines.
White Pines grow more than 100 feet tall and they were used for English navy ships. In the 1700s, lumbering and shipbuilding were New Hampshire’s biggest businesses.
Exports Agricultural exports – cattle Industrial exports- ships Natural Resources- fish, fur, lumber
Community and Religion Some of there religions were Baptists, Quakers, and Presbyterians. Religious freedom brought them to New Hampshire. Religious laws were ignored because the laws were made by Massachusetts Bay. Massachusetts threw out Puritans that didn’t follow their laws and those Puritans founded New Hampshire.
John Wheelwright was one of the Puritans that were kicked out of Massachusetts colony. Stephen Bachiler was also kicked out of the Massachusetts colony in 1639.
Becoming a State In 1775, the Revolutionary War began. New Hampshire was the only one of the thirteen American colonies in which no Revolutionary War was fought.
Statehood New Hampshire became a state on June 22, 1788. It was the 9th state of the colonies.
Important Facts Their state motto is “Live free ,or die.” The population in 1775 was 81,050 people. It was part of the New England Colonies. New Hampshire was named after Hampshire county, England.