Copyright (c) 2003 by Valery Sklyarov and Iouliia Skliarova: DETUA, IEETA, Aveiro University, Portugal
9 left mouse button double click 1011
left mouse button double click 16 17
1 0 S 0...S = x”A7” contains 5 ones Execution Unit DIP switchers Number of ones 5 FSM tempresult COUT MUX temp=0 COUT=0 start mux_out Select DIP temp=temp+1 DIP_is_ON COUT=COUT+1 DIP_number result=temp Store_resultr FSM_data
1 0 S 0...S 7
left mouse button double click edit
Change attributes if required
1 2 Remark: the names of states were changed to S0,S2,S3,S4 to allow more compact drawing of wave forms on a screen with limited size
Select left mouse button double click
left mouse button double click
Graph with 4 states, which permits to solve the same task