ADOBE PREMIERE Filters, Effects, and Titles
Timeline: An important note DRAGGING! What’s this? You can drag your clip from either the PROJECT PANE, or the SOURCE MONITOR. This creates an OVERWRITE EDIT
Timeline: An important note DRAGGING! Notice how the clip exists with the clips underneath it. Keep in mind only the top most clip will be seen during playback An OVERWRITE EDIT is a type of edit that puts priority on the clip you are currently moving to the time line. Thus, if you move it onto of existing clips, it will OVERWRITE them.
Timeline: An important note DRAGGING! NOW notice how the clip “eats” or OVERWRITES the old clips. An OVERWRITE EDIT is a type of edit that puts priority on the clip you are currently moving to the time line. Thus, if you move it onto of existing clips, it will OVERWRITE them.
Timeline: An important note DRAGGING! Notice how the clip has arrows, indicating an insert edit When you want to put a clip in-between an existing edit, you make an INSERT edit. An INSERT edit will shift the rest of your clips down to make room for the new one. Drag and hold CMD
Insert/Overwrite Edits Overwrite You can also use the shortcuts at the bottom of the SOURCE MONITOR. Just make sure your playhead is where you want the clip to go. Insert Edit Video Only Audio Only
Timelines Odds and Ends Playhead: Allows you to see where in your sequence you are positioned. Clicking and dragging will allow you to scrub your audio/video Clicking on the duration will make your playhead jump to where you click. Playhead
Timelines Odds and Ends What’s this? Very simply, this is your deselection space. Click here to deselect a clip
Timelines Odds and Ends Jump left next clip Jump right next clip Advance left one frame Advance right one frame
If you can find transitions, you can find filters! When you find what you want just drag it to the clip you want to alter. Video Filters Located in your Media Browser Just head to the effects tab!
2. Use the EFFECTS CONTROLS in your SOURCE MONITOR to adjust the specifics of your effect. Located in the viewer, once you double click the clip 1. Double-click the clip you want to modify.
In addition to any added video effect, EFFECTS CONTROLS gives you options to adjust the position, size, rotation, opacity, as well as adjust the speed of the clip Located in the source monitor once you double click the clip!
You can view the changes the effects have in the canvas as long as your PLAYHEAD is on that clip!
Text is located under TITLE in your APPLICATION MENU. Titles/text is found in your application menu TEXT
You need to name your text before you create it. Name it! Save it! Premiere will save a copy of your text in your PROJECT PANE. You can always double click text in your PROJECT PANE or TIMELINE to alter it.
You have so many options!!!
Text is never over black. It just looks that way because there is nothing behind it. That’s why when you move text over a clip, you can see both. And when you leave it in the timeline over nothing, you see black.