How to Create a Power Point Presentation
To build a Presentation: 1. On the Toolbar, click “new” and then select “Blank Presentation”.
How to Create a Power Point Presentation
2. Type the title and any other content you want on the title slide. You can add text in either the slide pane or outline pane.
How to Create a Power Point Presentation
3. Click “Insert” on the toolbar and then click “New Slide”. Select a layout from those shown. Then add the content you want to the new slide.
How to Create a Power Point Presentation
4. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each new slide. 5. When finished, click on “File” and then “Save As”. Name your presentation and then click “Save”.
How to Create a Power Point Presentation
To View your presentation, click on “Slide Show” on the toolbar, and then click on “View Show”.
How to Create a Power Point Presentation
There are other options you may wish to use such as: - adding graphics - sorting the slide order - adding special effects
How to Create a Power Point Presentation Adding Graphics: 1.Click on “Insert” on the tool bar. 2.Click on “Picture” then click on “From File”. 3.Locate the graphic you want, double click on it, and it will be pasted to your slide. You can adjust the size and location by clicking on the “boxes” that surround the graphic.
How to Create a Power Point Presentation
Using the Slide Sorter” 1.Click on “View” on the toolbar and then click on “Slide Sorter”. 2.By clicking on a slide and “dragging it, you can re-arrange the order of your slides. 3.Double clicking on any slide will bring you back to the slide editing screen.
How to Create a Power Point Presentation
Adding Special Effects: You can control the manner in which your slides appear and disappear from the screen during the presentation by clicking on “Slide Show” on the toolbar; then click on “Slide Transition” and pick your effect.
How to Create a Power Point Presentation
To learn more about the special features of Power Point, click on “Help” on the toolbar. Enjoy using “Power Point ”.