Getting to Know Your Desktop Icons, Taskbar, Workspace, Window, Notifications, Start and Search
What is the Desktop? The desktop is the work space that appears on your monitor when the PC is running The desktop includes: A background pattern or picture that can be customized for each user A set of icons representing the various programs and apps installed on the PC (“shortcuts”) A taskbar that displays icons for the apps you use most frequently A notification area that indicates which apps/programs are currently active on the PC, and the time & date
Icons – small pictures that represent Apps or Programs DESKTOP
Taskbar – quick access to frequently used apps Notification area shows active apps and processes
Looking More Closely… The Taskbar (along the bottom of the desktop from the left) The Notification Area(along the bottom of the desktop on the right)
START – Gives access to all content on the PC. START MENU
Access to areas of the computer ```````````` Apps YOU pin here for easy access Apps the PC puts here because you’re using it a lot! Search Bar Shut Down Menu
Click – vs.- Double Click – vs. Right Click To open an app from the desktop DOUBLE CLICK the ICON (not the words!) To open an app from the taskbar CLICK the ICON To open a menu of options for an item RIGHT CLICK on the item
Files – vs. - Folders Files are individual documents or graphics created in apps or imported from a compatible source Folders contain a group of files, usually of similar topics, types, or content