Gatsby Edition
Spitting Image What a Character The Puzzling Gatsby George’s Geography Potpourri
Spitting Image - 1 Gatsby reached out for this everlasting image, which symbolized not only his dream, but also that of all Americans.
Spitting Image - 1 What is the Green Light?
Spitting Image - 2 This mobile image symbolizes the way people drive, I mean, the way people live.
Spitting Image - 2 What is a car?
Spitting Image - 3 These represent God’s all watching eyes over the heart of New York, that is, according to George Wilson.
Spitting Image - 3 What are Dr. T.J. Eckleburg’s Eyes?
Spitting Image - 4 Although it’s “idiotically” old, Fitzgerald still wanted his reader to pick up on this timeless image.
Spitting Image - 4 What is the defunct clock?
Spitting Image - 5 When Gatsby kissed the botanical Daisy, her heart “opened up for him like” this.
Spitting Image - 5 What is a Flower?
What a Character - 1 This is the narrator of the story, born and raised in the Midwest before a WWI restlessness encouraged him toward New York City.
What a Character - 1 Who is Nick?
What a Character - 2 The former football star, wealthy inheritor, polo player, heavy drinker, racist, and adulterer (just to name a few of his virtues).
What a Character - 2 Who is Tom?
What a Character - 3 Nick’s second cousin, once removed, who left Louisville and has since been whisked around America according to the whims of her unfaithful husband.
What a Character - 3 Who is Daisy?
What a Character - 4 The one who is “worth the whole damn bunch put together.”
What a Character - 4 Who is Gatsby?
What a Character - 5 The sentimental gambler who mistakenly offered Nick a business “gonnection.”
What a Character - 5 Who is Meyer Wolfshiem?
The Puzzling Gatsby - 1 Cardinal Direction. Product of a chicken.
The Puzzling Gatsby - 1 What is West or East Egg?
The Puzzling Gatsby - 2 Michael. Bread Chef.
The Puzzling Gatsby - 2 Who is Jordan Baker?
The Puzzling Gatsby - 3 Definite Article Field. Common preposition. Soot.
The Puzzling Gatsby - 3 What is Valley of Ashes?
The Puzzling Gatsby - 4 Male Adult- Head Covering- Indefinite Article.
The Puzzling Gatsby - 4 What is Manhattan?
The Puzzling Gatsby - 5 Definite article. Elderly. Superman’s City.
The Puzzling Gatsby - 5 What is The Old Metropole?
George’s Geography - 1 This is where all of the main characters originate.
George’s Geography - 1 What is the Midwest?
George’s Geography - 2 This is where God oversees all of the story’s most crucial moments.
George’s Geography - 2 What is the Valley of Ashes?
George’s Geography - 3 This is where Gatsby originally claims that he and his family is from (and he said that he was from “the Midwest”!).
George’s Geography - 3 What is San Francisco?
George’s Geography - 4 This is where Jordan informed Nick of Gatsby’s request, as well as where Tom and Gatsby confronted one another.
George’s Geography - 4 What is the Plaza Hotel?
George’s Geography - 5 This is the where Tom and Nick went to college together.
George’s Geography - 5 What is New Haven or Yale?
Potpourri - 1 This is the word that Tom hates.
Potpourri - 1 What is “hulking”?
Potpourri - 2 Tom predicted that Gatsby was a swindler, or in other words, this.
Potpourri - 2 What is a Bootlegger?
Potpourri - 3 This is the nationality of George’s neighbor who owns the restaurant.
Potpourri - 3 What is Greek?
Potpourri - 4 Before returning home from New York, Nick spent his last night lying upon Gatsby’s beach, imagining what it was like for these people to see America for the first time.
Potpourri - 4 Who are the Colonists or Settlers?
Potpourri - 5 This was Fitzgerald’s wife’s name, to whom he dedicated The Great Gatsby. I guess you could say that they were linked together.
Potpourri - 5 Who is Zelda?
Final Jeopardy Using the five parts of plot, diagram The Great Gatsby’s story from Exposition to Resolution.
Final Jeopardy