EDITORIAL SCHEDULE 1 ST HALF 2016 ISSUED ON 10/11/2015, SUBJECT TO MODIFICATION: CONSULT US No.DATECLASSIFICATIONDOSSIERINVESTIGATIONS EVENTS Practical Notes /01 The 10 hot topics of /01 Hospitals: Managing the RAC explosion /01 POSTER: Brokers for the 100 leading companies Special Risk Management: Insurability of new risksClimateAMRAE (03-05/02–Lille) /02 Mediation (REL Directive) /02 Comparison sites /02 International regulation /02 What innovations in training?Training and innovation /03 POSTER: Life insurance yieldsObservatory of general agentsGeneral agents /03 The new territories for institutional management Conf. TNS TPE PME market (15/03) / Forum GI (17/03) /03 Special Digital / Innovation / UberisationUberisation of insurance Decidassur IT (22/03/ ANACOFI (24/03) Foulées de l’Assurance (20/03) /03 Neighbourhood brokersClaims managementRDV du Courtage Marseille (31/03) /04 Mutuals Awards Argus d’Or (04/04) / Conf. Claims management (07/04) /04 POSTER: Bank insuranceSocial media Social media and insurance /04 Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD) /04 Assistance gets its revenge /04 POSTER: PensionsCollective provident funds Practical notes: Industrial risks Conf. Medical sector (10/05) /05 POSTER: Life insuranceAuto / MRH: new usagesTakafull /05 Special HealthConf. RDV Customer Relations (24/05) /05 MaghrebForum Assurance 2016 (31/05) /06 POSTER: ProvidentSavings: Advertising / compliance Conf. Solvability II (07/06) / CSCA conference (June) /06 Special Risk management: Logistics / Supplier failuresThe image of insurers /06 POSTER: AssistanceProvident institutionsConf. Prevention (21/06) /06 Drones / Loss adjustingConf. Construction Insurance (28/06) JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE
EDITORIAL SCHEDULE 2 ND HALF 2016 ISSUED ON 10/11/2015, SUBJECT TO MODIFICATION: CONSULT US No.DATECLASSIFICATIONDOSSIERINVESTIGATION EVENTS Practical Notes /07POSTER: HealthCyber risksConf. Stat up & insurance (06/07) /07Management of automobile claims /07EmploymentPractical Notes: Reform of public markets /07Special Solvency /08POSTER: Wholesale brokersBest of Jurisprudence /09DSI investments /09POSTER: AutoHealth & Prudential re-insurance September events (12-15/09 – Monte Carlo) /09Special BrokersObservatory of brokeringBrokering days (20-21/09) /09POSTER: Millionaire brokers Networks of health care practitioners (opticians, audiologists, dentists) /09POSTER: Back officesClassification of Back OfficesInter-professionalPatrimonia (29-30/09) / Conf. Fraud (04/10) /10POSTER: Group brokersSpecial GroupsANI BarometerRéavie (12-14/10 – Cannes) /10Bank InsuranceConf. Connected automobile insurance (18/10) /10POSTER: MRHBordeaux /10Customer relations /11POSTER: Top 30 IP’sClimate – Natural disasters /11SalariesConf. Digital (15/11) /11Special Risk management: AgricultureConf. Health (22/11) /11POSTER: Top 30 MutualsLife insurance / Eurogrowth Practical Notes: Private international law and insurance / Conf. Allocation of assets and Awards for women in insurance (29/11) /12Women in insuranceDiversity in insurance Conf. Mutuals and Awards for innovation in mutual and jointly-managed insurance (06/12) /12Observatory of AdvertisingConf. Big Data et Awards Digital insurance (13/12) /12POSTER: AccountsSpecial Accounts JULY SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER AUGUST