Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (TONI-3) Presented by : Kim Miesen and Amy Schofield
Test of Nonverbal Intelligence Complete Test Kit includes: Manual, Picture Book, 50 Form A Answer Sheets, 50 Form B Answer Sheets Price: $256.00 Written by Linda Brown, Rita Sherbenou, and Susan Johnson Published by Pro-Ed Publisher information: 8700 Shoal Creek Boulevard, Austin, TX 78757
Theoretical Basis Measures general intelligence targeting abstract reasoning and problem solving Estimates intellectual competence by evaluating an individual’s skill solving novel abstract/figural problems Follows well-known and researched theoretical models of intelligence Examples: Spearman (g-factor), Piaget (organization, assimilation, accommodation)
Rationale Developed due to need of an intelligence test that is not heavily loaded with: Linguistic Elements Motoric Elements Cultural Elements Insures results are not tainted by impaired language skills, poor English, or impaired motor abilities
Administration Information Subject age range: 6-0 to 89-11 years Test evaluates skills and assesses progress of those suffering from strokes, aphasia, CP, LD, Alzheimer’s, TBI Disorders include cognition, memory, and language Also suitable for non-English speakers and individuals who are Deaf Testing Time: Approximately 15 minutes test is not timed
Procedures Select from equivalent test forms A or B Greet individual and explain purpose of test using cited explanation “ The TONI-3 will help us find out how you solve puzzles and other problems.” Test is administered using pantomimed directions A ceiling is reached when the subject has made 3 errors in 5 consecutive items
Scoring A correct response is given one point An incorrect response is given zero points Add up raw score Convert to standard quotient and percentile rank using appendix of manual
Clinical Strengths Two test forms useful for pre-/post-test measures Easy to administer and score Can be used with culturally diverse individuals and those with extremely limited receptive and expressive language
Clinical Weaknesses Specific measurement Cannot be used alone to determine need for services Doesn’t provide guidance for intervention planning
Cognitive Communication Attention Memory Problem solving Abstract reasoning Organization
Case Study Kenny Loew Age: 10:1 Sustained a TBI after he crashed his dirt bike 4 weeks ago Profound speech and language deficit Possible problem solving, memory, and abstract reasoning delays
Purpose of Assessment To determine if Kenny’s language disorder is the primary contributor to his below average scores on achievement and language-based aptitude To further investigate Kenny’s higher-level functioning capabilities without the use of language To assist in determining services needed when Kenny returns to school
Results Kenny’s raw score: 3 Standard Quotient: 68 He scored in the 2nd percentile Characterized as “poor” to “very poor” on abstracting reasoning and problem solving abilities
Impact on Kenny’s Life Social Aspects: Academic Aspects: Peer interaction Response and reaction to daily interactions Academic Aspects: Math, reading, and science Organization Quality of Life: Adjustment to disorder Compensatory strategies
Intervention When Kenny returns to school, the SLP will conduct an environmental assessment including interviews and observations to further determine his individual needs Intervention will focus on functional problem solving strategies in addition to other speech and language interventions Examples: asking for help, understanding need for assistance
Intervention During speech-language sessions, Kenny will be provided supportive strategies Examples: role-playing, picture cards, and curriculum-based resources
Goals and Objectives Long-term Goal: Short-term Objectives: Kenny will use strategies effectively to compensate for problem solving difficulties. Short-term Objectives: #1: With moderate assistance, Kenny will correctly identify problem-solving strategies modeled by the clinician with 70% accuracy. #2: With moderate assistance, Kenny will identify single and multiple causes of problems during role playing activities with 70% accuracy.
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