How to get good grades
1.) Believe in yourself “To succeed, we must first believe that we can”
2.) Be organized If you’re organized, you have what you need, when you need it. Use your agenda Use folders for school work Keep your locker and backpack neat Get organized before you go to bed
3.) Manage your time well With good time management, you have time to do the things you have to do, and you still have time to do the things you want to do. Use class time and study halls Create your own study plan Prepare for sabotage
4.) Be successful in the classroom Follow this advice, and you’ll enjoy school more and get better grades Be in school, on time, every day Learn how to adapt to different teachers Be prepared for each class Sit in the front of class if possible Be aware of your body language and nonverbal behavior Always do your homework Participate in class Be a good group member Treat others with courtesy and respect Involve your parents
5.) Take good notes Tests usually cover material that has been presented and discussed in class. It is therefore important to have good classroom notes from which to study. Be an active listener Take notes to help you pay attention Recognize important information Take notes that are easy to read Go over your notes as soon as possible Get copies of class notes if you’re absent
6.) Know how to read a textbook When you know how to read a textbook, you comprehend and remember what you read. Scan headings & figures Read small amounts at a time. Stop and think. Review
7.) Study Smart Students who “study smart” spend less time studying, yet they get better grades. Vary your places to study Get started Know your learning style Organize your study time Know how to study for tests Use tricks to memorize information Know how to write a paper Use tricks when making a presentation or speech
8.) Use test-taking strategies To do well on any test, you must study and be prepared. Having done that, you can improve your performance by using test-taking strategies. Get off to a good start Develop a plan Increase your odds on multiple-choice questions Look for key words in True/False questions Know how to approach essay questions Estimate answers to math questions before you start solving a problem Always go over returned tests
9. Reduce test anxiety A little anxiety before a test improves your concentration and alertness. Test anxiety lowers your score. Start studying early and get a good night’s sleep Walk into class acting confident Practice relaxation techniques
10. Get help when you need it When you have a problem, do something to resolve it. Ask fellow students. Ask a teacher. Ask a parent.
Earth Science Testing Advice Be organized. Review your homework before the chapter test. I “reuse” questions for the test. Save all of your study guides. Your mid-term and final exams are comprehensive. That means that questions from your chapter tests will show up on your mid-term and final exams.