No put downs There are no dumb questions No asking of personal questions Protection of personal comments – confidentiality Embarrassment is permitted Ok to laugh and giggle Ground Rules
Abstinence Objectives: Analyze the importance and benefits of abstinence from sexual activity Know that abstinence is the only method that is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy and STI’s
Abstinence Choosing not to do something
Being Sexually active Interferes with normal adolescent growth and goals. Risk a chance of: PregnancyLoss of goals No money Loss of Education No FunSports/activities
Situations which Create Pressure for Sexual Relations: Parties Sleepovers No parental supervision
Ways to Change if sexually active Communication Give reasons Don’t want relationship based on sex Ask person to agree to practice abstinence
Ways to Change if sexually active Be firm Don’t accept pressure Set new rules and limits Self Control
Consequences of Preteen and Teenage Intercourse: Babies have increased risk of problems with young mothers. Increased chance of premature delivery Negative effects on infant. Emotional stress on family
Consequences of Preteen and Teenage Intercourse: Cannot hang out with friends Labeled Destruction of relationships Not mature and stable
Why wait to have sex? P rovide a loving and supportive household Accomplish your goals Can handle all consequences that come along with sex by yourself
Benefits of Waiting: Body completely ready Mentally and emotionally ready Financially ready Already had your childhood Love the person