Uganda, Tanzania & Kenya
Kenya (1) Priority Activity ChallengeInputs Required: external / internal Who will take the action? Declaring TB an emergency in Kenya. Lack of funding for mobilization and development of materials. Funds, TAKANCO, National TB Program, TB advocates, PHAs, NASCOP, HERAF Strengthening advocacy for TB within the PHA networks in Kenya Need a communication strategy for TB/HIV TB programs are weak in advocacy. Funds, TA Civil society organizations, KANCO, NEPHAK. NLTP, NASCOP, Civil society organizations. KANCO
Kenya (2) Priority Activity ChallengeInputs Required: external / internal Who will take the action? National AIDS control council to incorporate TB within the strategic plan NTLP, NASCOP, NACC
Tanzania (1) Priority Activity ChallengeInputs Required: external / internal Who will take the action? Tanzania Establish steering bodies for TB/HIV at all levels. Mobilization of all stakeholders including the community. Funds already available through Global fund, PEPFAR, National TB programme, National AIDS Programme Ensure the TB/HIV policy is signed and further disseminated. Minister questioning why we have a new TB/HIV policy instead of revising the existing policies. Response provided need to follow up with the Minister’s office. National TB and HIV programmes
Tanzania (2) Priority Activity ChallengeInputs Required: external / internal Who will take the action? Strengthening advocacy for TB within the PHA networks in Tanzania. TB programs are weak in advocacy. Funds, technical assistancePHA networks, NTP. Educate the media about TB, provide simple education materials for the public on TB. Media and public less informed about TB FundsNational TB programs TB/HIV activities adequately addressed in AIDS council multisectoral plan.(TACAIDS) NTLP, NACP
Uganda (1) Priority Activity ChallengeInputs Required: external / internal Who will take the action? Uganda Strengthening advocacy for TB within the PHA networks in Uganda. Dissemination of the TB/HIV communication strategy TB programs are weak in advocacy. Funds, technical assistance Funds National TB and HIV programs. NTLP, NACP, District health authorities, civil society organizations. Get as many partners as possible outside the TB programme to know more about the TB programme activities, through technical review meetings. Stakeholders involved in other programs have limited information about the challenges of TB control FundsNTLP, NACP, implementing partners. Educate the media about TB, provide simple education materials for the public on TB. Media and public less informed about TB FundsNational TB programs
Uganda (2) Priority Activity ChallengeInputs Required: external / internal Who will take the action? TB program to learn to work with the SWAPs process. TB activities implemented as a vertical programme Agreement, fundsNTLP, Planning department, MOH.