August 7 th 1998
What? A string of attacks on US embassies on Foreign lands The attacks were carried out by car bombs Who? The attacks are supposedly linked to members of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, who are were well funded by Osama Bin Laden When The attacks occurred simultaneously on August 7, 1998
Nairobi, Kenya Site of Embassy Bombing Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Site of Embassy Bombing
Revenge for America’s involvement in the extradition, and torture, of four members of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ) who had been arrested in Albania in the two months prior to the explosions. The four men were accused for participating in the assassination of Rifaat el-Mahgoub
Left 223 dead, more than 4,000 injured Operation Infinite Reach Series of cruise missile attacks on Sudan and Afgahnistan UN passed a resolution condemning the attacks DoS Bureau of Diplomatic Security added Kenya to it’s Antiterrorism Assistance Program Started a strong bilateral relationship between US and Kenya in fighting terrorism