Learn. Perform. Succeed. LOG 340 Life Cycle Product Support Betsy Lederer, PLD/PBL 23 January 2015
Course Description Throughput / Demographics Metrics That Matter (MtM) Structure & Format PLD Assessment –Course Changes and plans 2 Discussion Topics
LOG 340 Course Overview TopicDiscussion Course Description (iCatalog Concept Card) Life Cycle Product Support is designed to help prepare the Life Cycle Logistician to perform in a senior-level life cycle logistics role over the life cycle of a system as a product support manager with emphasis on developing and implementing a life cycle product support strategy. Students will apply tools and techniques from the 12 Step Product Support Strategy Process Model in analyzing and comparing alternative product support strategies for adoption. The course challenges students to think critically in instructor-facilitated group exercises to justify and make sound recommendations in coming up with the best mix of product support providers that will satisfy the Warfighter’s outcome-based requirements. Certification CourseCertification requirement for Life Cycle Logistics, Level III Delivery Method/Length Residence Course/ 4.5 days Target AttendeesDAWIA Level II certified Life Cycle Logisticians who wish to perform in a senior-level life cycle logistics role Prerequisites ACQ 203, Intermediate Systems Acquisition, Part B LOG 201, Intermediate Acquisition Logistics, Part B LOG 235, Performance-Based Logistics CLL 005, Life Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP) CLL 015, Business Case Analysis CLL 020, Independent Logistics Assessments Other background information Current version fielded in 2012 and updated in 2013; a 2015 update is in process with an ECD of August 2015
Question Categories FY12FY13FY14 FY15 1 st Qtr Instructor n =1,112 n =1,389 n =1,150n=187 Courseware n =1,112 n =1,382 n =1,150n=187 Environment n =1,091 n =1,357 n =1,129n=180 Job Impact n=1,112n=1,386n=1,145n=187 Learning Eff n =1,108 n =1,382 n =1,145n=187 Overall n=1,112n=1,389n=1,152n=187 LOG 340 Metrics That Matter Comments: - Metrics/student comments have remained mostly positive since deployment - Metrics / comments from “Other DoD” are more negative Instructor Other
LOG 340 Monthly Learning Effectiveness Trend FY13 through Dec FY15 < 5.2 = Red = Yellow = Green 5
LOG 340 Monthly Job Impact Trend FY13 through Dec FY15 < 5.2 = Red = Yellow = Green 6
LOG 340 Monthly Overall Trend FY13 through Dec FY15 < 5.2 = Red = Yellow = Green 7
LOG 340 Graduates by Service* LOG 340FY 11**FY 12FY 13FY 14 FY 15 FYTD Graduates 1171,1441,4901, Army Air Force USN/USMC Industry Other DoD All Others COMMENTS: - Throughput of “Other DoD” (e.g., mostly DLA) has increased. - Overall throughput appears fairly consistent, with somewhat of a downward trend recently, consistent with other resident courses. * Data as of January 2015 ** FY11 data from course pilot
9 LOG 340 Student Demographics – FY14 Throughput: 92% civilian, 7% military, 1% Industry 68% ACDU are commissioned, 79% civ are GS-12 or higher 40% 15 years 81% satisfy DAWIA/primary career field requirements 7% alternate career field cert or general interest. Job Impact remains Green, but metrics are lower than other categories, with a fair number of negative comments. Example: “Not directly related to the job I do.” Courseware remains Green, but the overall score has gone down slightly. Negative comments relate primarily to the mismatch between the student manual and presentation slides. Current course update will improve courseware. 93% would recommend the course to their colleagues
10 Verbatim LOG 340 Student Comments The Good - The instructors were awesome and really made the class enjoyable. Actually, this has been the best DAU class I've taken to date. –Very well organized, the group activities allowed me to learn how other colleagues from different services experience similar challenges across Product Support. – …it provided excellent examples and course information to be successful in my job –There was nothing in this class that was not useful… –GREAT The Bad - I am a Demand/Supply Chain Anayst and I won't use this training on my job - Expand the course by one week. - Better match between the manual and the slide presentations - Bring the language and material down and address ACAT III, IV and AAP's. - More real world examples - In addition to "Weapons' systems" focus, add relevancy for ERPs (LMP, GCSS-A, etc) The Ugly -Again, I leave DAU courses ready to acquire a Joint Strike Fighter, but most of us are working ACAT III programs. -This course could be done on line and the big case study could be done indepent and summitted on line. -We need to have a different curriculium for our field -Everything rated under 4 was because it didn't apply to my job -Horrible course material, no logic -A waste of time and money. No return on investment..
11 LOG 340 PLD Assessment CategoryPLD Assessment Course Effectiveness / Achievement of Learning Objectives TLOs seem appropriate and case based learning approach seems very effective. Improvements 2015 update will include up-to-date examples and tactical tools, such as a BCA spreadsheet and the Acquisition Requirements Roadmap Tool (ARRT) for course exercises. Hard copy material will be updated. Student Feedback MtMs are consistently positive 93% would recommend to others Growing dissatisfaction of “Other DoD” is notable Frustration with outdated hard copy material Long Term Considerations Diversity of Acquisition and Sustainment personnel in the LCL career field introduces challenges. Consider increased tailoring at various certification levels. Service Considerations Course is not Service specific ODASD MR Considerations Course is current, and supports LCL competencies Recommendations Complete 2015 planned update – currency, tactical tools, update examples and case studies
12 Questions…?
LOG 340 Monthly Courseware Trend FY13 through Dec FY15 < 5.2 = Red = Yellow = Green 13
LOG 340 Monthly Instructor Trend FY13 through Dec FY15 < 5.2 = Red = Yellow = Green 14
LOG 340 Monthly Environment Trend FY13 through Dec FY15 < 5.2 = Red = Yellow = Green 15
Lesson/Title Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) LOG Competencies BBP Tenets Lesson 1. Introduction to Life Cycle Product Support Given the appropriate tools, tenets, leadership style, and oversight process introduction, the student will be able to diagram the relationship of tools to the upcoming Critical Thinking Exercise. 1-Product Support Management 2-Design Interface 3-Sustaining Engineering 4-Tech Data 1-Achieve Affordable Programs 2-Control Costs Throughout the Product Lifecycle 3-Incentivize Productivity & Innovation in Industry and Government 7-Improve Professional of Total Acquisition Workforce Lesson 2. Life Cycle Product Support Concepts Given the Life Cycle Product Support concept briefs, the student will apply the basic concepts, policies, and practices of Life Cycle Product Support to design, develop, and propose a product support strategy for a given weapon system. 1-Product Support Management 2-Design Interface 3-Sustaining Engineering 4-Tech Data 1-Achieve Affordable Programs 2-Control Costs Throughout the Product Lifecycle 3-Incentivize Productivity & Innovation in Industry and Government Lesson 3. Life Cycle Product Support Performance Measurement Given the Life Cycle Product Support performance measurement briefs, the student will apply the evolving Life Cycle Product Support policies, processes, activities, and products to the exercise. 1-Product Support Management 2-Design Interface 3-Sustaining Engineering 1-Achieve Affordable Programs 2-Control Costs Throughout the Product Lifecycle Lesson 4. Supply Chain Opportunities Given a weapon systems scenario, the student will construct an effective supply chain for a Life Cycle Product Support suitable subsystem, including performance evaluation criteria. 5-Supply Support 7-PHS&T 4-Eliminate Unproductive Processes and Bureaucracy 5-Promote Effective Competition 6-Improve Tradecraft in Acquisition of Services Lesson 5. Public-Private Partnerships and Workload Allocation Given a subsystem outcome based support strategy scenario, the student will draft a PBA support scenario and allocated workload. 1-Product Support Management 2-Design Interface 4-Tech Data 5-Supply Support 6-Maintenance 3-Incentivize Productivity & Innovation in Industry and Government 5-Promote Effective Competition TLOs – Lessons
Lesson/Title Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) LOG Competencies BBP Tenets Lesson 6. Business Case Analysis Fundamentals The student will evaluate and update a Business Case Analysis (BCA) using life cycle product support policies and processes. 1-Product Support Management 2-Design Interface 3-Sustaining Engineering 4-Technical Data 1-Achieve Affordable Programs 2-Control Costs Throughout the Product Lifecycle 5-Promote Effective Competition Lesson 7. Business Case Analysis Exercise Given the BCA briefs and case study material, the student will design and evaluate a cost-effective BCA for the case study weapon system. 1-Product Support Management 2-Design Interface 3-Sustaining Engineering 4-Technical Data 1-Achieve Affordable Programs 2-Control Costs Throughout the Product Lifecycle 5-Promote Effective Competition Lesson 8. Product Support Arrangements Given the Product Support Arrangement (PSA) material, the student will diagram and evaluate the full range and scope of PSAs 1-Product Support Management 2-Design Interface 3-Sustaining Engineering 4-Tech Data 1-Achieve Affordable Programs 2-Control Costs Throughout the Product Lifecycle 5-Promote Effective Competition Lesson 9. Logistics Assessments Given the research on the assigned post fielding support analysis questions from the Critical Thinking Exercise, the student will evaluate a Logistics Assessment (LA). 1-Product Support Management1-Achieve Affordable Programs 2-Control Costs Throughout the Product Lifecycle Lesson 10. Critical Thinking Exercise Research a given Joint Weapons System to develop/assess product support strategy, articulate gaps and recommend corrective action in order to meet Warfighter objectives. 1-Product Support Management 1-Achieve Affordable Programs 2-Control Costs Throughout the Product Lifecycle 3-Incentivize Productivity & Innovation in Industry and Government 7-Improve Professional of Total Acquisition Workforce TLOs – Lessons