Using your New Chromebook
Inside the foot, please respond: List all the things that you use technology For. Please Do Now
Anytime you are using technology, you are leaving behind a Digital Footprint that can be searched, copied, shared, or viewed by an invisible audience. Digital Footprint
You have control over your own digital footprint. Online information may be helpful or harmful to a reputation or image. Your Digital Footprint
We want you to be safe and feel safe when using your new chromebook device. Follow all class rules and expectations when using the device, and you will leave behind your best Digital Footprint! Using your Chromebook
You will each receive a chromebook with a number. This numbered chromebook will be the device you use all year in Mrs. Mink’s classroom. You are responsible for your device! If you find a problem with your chromebook, notify Mrs. Mink immediately! Chromebook Distribution
Getting Started (your username is your GV google address) Password: CAP first 3 letters of last name student # (your password to sign in is your google account pw)
Choosing your Avatar
Chromebook Desktop View:
Chromebook Pins Chrome Browser Google Drive Google Classroom
Keyboard Navigation Buttons
Chromebook Keyboard Shortcuts
Touch Pad
Chromebook Pins Chrome Browser Google Drive Google Classroom
1. Click on Google Drive icon 2. Click “New” 3.Click + Folder 4.Name Folder: English 1 Access Google Drive
1. In your English 1 Folder 2. Click “New” 3.Click + Folder 4.Name Folder: Last name, first name 1 - Turn In 5.Click “Share”, type in teacher last name 6.Select “Can Edit” 7.Click Done Access Google Drive
1.In your Name - Turn In folder, click “New” 2.Click “Google Slides” 3.Create your “All About Me” Presentation!!! 4.Name your document: First & Last Name - All About Me All About Me Project
Create a Slideshow in Google Slides 5-10 pictures 1-2 sentence on each slide :) Presentation Information
*ALWAYS logout of your account when finished!!! Signing Out