Cataloging/Acquisitions Workflow William Rainey Harper College James Edstrom Michele Ukleja
Acquisitions Workflow: Order Preparation 1. Receive orders Paper requests Paper requests Electronic Electronic Sort by: Format (print or non-print) Format (print or non-print) Vendors Vendors 3. Search Acquisitions module for duplicates 4. Search in vendor databases: Price Price Availability Availability
Acquisitions Workflow: Order Formulation 1. Create PO in Acquisitions module Import MARC record from WorldCat or CARLI Import MARC record from WorldCat or CARLIOR Create “short MARC” record (All records are suppressed automatically in OPAC) Create “short MARC” record (All records are suppressed automatically in OPAC) 2. Approve purchase order & print 3.PO sent to Division dean for approval 4.Approved PO faxed to vendor 5.Print order slips for attachment to items when received 6.File PO in open order file
Acquisitions Workflow: Receiving and Invoicing Receiving: 1. Materials arrive 2. Check against packing slip 3. Pull order slip and place with item 4. Send: Item to cataloging Item to cataloging Packing slip to acquisitions Packing slip to acquisitions
Acquisitions Workflow: Receiving and Invoicing Invoicing 1. Wait for vendor invoice 2. Create Voyager invoice voucher Don’t wait for entire order Don’t wait for entire order Should match vendor invoice Should match vendor invoice PO stays open until all materials arrive with invoicing PO stays open until all materials arrive with invoicing Append line items from PO (do not append/receive) Append line items from PO (do not append/receive) 3. Approve invoice 4. Print voucher (2) & receive 1 copy for accounting 1 copy for accounting 1 copy for ACQ files 1 copy for ACQ files 5. Send to Accounting for payment 6. PO is filed in “Open File” until complete
Cataloging workflow: Search and Edit (OCLC) 1. P ull cart of materials (received from Acquisitions) 2. S earch in OCLC 3. E dit Bib record in OCLC 4. V erify headings in OCLC Authority 5. V alidate 6. S ave in “MyStatus” file in OCLC (NON DLCs only) –N–N–N–NON DLC (original cataloging and AV materials) records go to cataloging librarian for: Call number verification/assignment Subject headings Check in OPAC for duplicate call number Cataloging librarian returns materials to Library Assistant 7. U pdate records (add holdings) and resave 8. E xport to Voyager and save 9. C reate label file in OCLC Label Program 10. S end to student aide for processing
Cataloging workflow: Voyager record creation 1. Processed materials return to Library Assistant 2. Prepare to overlay records in Voyager Short Marc records & Non-matching OCLC records need to have OCLC number edited Short Marc records & Non-matching OCLC records need to have OCLC number edited 3. Import and Overlay order records in Voyager Set Preferences Set Preferences Be sure record has overlaid (MFHD will be present) Be sure record has overlaid (MFHD will be present) Bib records automatically removes suppression Bib records automatically removes suppression MFHD retains suppression—manually remove MFHD retains suppression—manually remove Add prefix in $k of MFHD (852) Add prefix in $k of MFHD (852) 1 MFHD for volumes 1 MFHD for volumes Separate MFHDs for copies Separate MFHDs for copies 856 field (URL) is duplicated in MFHD 856 field (URL) is duplicated in MFHD Verify all locations Verify all locations 4. Create item record
Cataloging workflow: Quality check 1. Check entire cart in OPAC, checking for: Correct display Correct display Suppressed MFHDs Suppressed MFHDs Incorrect location Incorrect location 2. Materials go to Circulation Make note of special requests/rushes Make note of special requests/rushes
2. ACQ Order Formulation 1. ACQ Order Preparation 3. ACQ Receiving 4. ACQ Invoicing 5. CAT Search & Edit (OCLC) 6. CAT Voyager Record Creation 7. CAT Quality check Ready to Circulate!