NCSRA Assignor Training Module For USSF North Carolina Arbiter Site Section 1 of 5 © Copyright July 2005 by Paul James, all rights reserved
Minimum Prerequisites This presentation is designed to demonstrate the features and functions available to NCSRA USSF licensed Referee Assignors through the USSF North Carolina arbiter site. The presentation assumes a complete familiarity with the program as a referee. If you are not familiar with the program go to and run the arbiter presentation on using the system as an official before proceeding with this presentation.
NCSRA USSF North Carolina Arbiter System NCSRA has placed all information regarding USSF registered officials in North Carolina on one arbiter group system. The structure of the system is arranged as displayed on the next slide, in a hierarchical arrangement.
USSF North Carolina Arbiter Group Assignor Structure SRA/SYRA and State Assignment Staff have complete access to all games, sites, teams, officials, contacts, and assignors. Area Referee Administrators have complete access to all games, sites, and officials within their geographic area, and complete access to all teams, contacts, and assignors.
Structure Continued Local Assignors have access to all sites and officials on their designated use list, as indicated by the assignor. They have complete access to all teams and contacts. Tournament Assignors have access to all sites, teams, contacts, and officials to be used in the tournament for which the Tournament Assigning License has been provided.
A Diagrammed Structure of the NCSRA USSF North Carolina Arbiter Assignors Hierarchy State Referee Administrator State Youth Referee Administrator State Assignor Staff Area Referee Administrators for Areas 1-8 Local Assignors in each of the 8 Areas Tournament Assignors as Needed
NCSRA Assignor Requirements In order to be given access to the USSF North Carolina Arbiter site as an Assignor the following conditions must be met. You must be a currently registered USSF Assignor For 2005 you must send a check for $50 made payable to NCSRA to SRA John Bouda at 138 Old Haw Creek Rd, Asheville, NC For 2006 and later, the fee will be $100 but this will also cover USSF and NCYSA Registration fees.
You must complete the Assignor Arbiter Registration Form found at under the Arbiter Portal You must have a valid address You must review this presentation You should attend one of the free NCSRA Arbiter Assignor Workshops
When you have competed these steps you will receive an inviting you to join the USSF North Carolina Arbiter Group (Group #102762) as an assignor. When you receive this please log in and join the Group.
Setting Up Your Local Assignor Group When you have joined as an assignor, check your officials lists. Initially your list of available officials will contain all referees within the Area you are located. This is probably more than you want or need. Shortly after you join the group you will receive an assignor identification.
This identification will be the Area number you are located within and a letter designation. For example Winston-Salem is Area 6 so an assignor in Winston will have an identifier of 6A or 6B, etc. Use this number in combination with the local assignor selection field to tag the referees you wish to keep on your list. If you need additional referees from outside your area on your assignor list tell the SYRA their names and he will add them to your license.
The local assignor selection field is found at the bottom of the miscellaneous fields page in each referee’s record.
Assigning Officials in the USSF North Carolina Arbiter Group The remainder of this presentation demonstrates the features and functions available to NCSRA Assignors using the USSF North Carolina Arbiter system.
The Assignor Start Page After you sign in as an assignor, this is the first page you will see. From here you can reach all functions.
To access the games in the system click on the games link. To access the officials information, click on the officials link.
To access the assignors and their contact info in the system click on the assignors link. To access the contacts information, click on the contacts link. Contacts are everyone except officials and assignors, i.e. coaches, site coordinators, administrators, etc.
To access the invoice recipients and their contact info in the system click on the bill- tos link. To access the list of playing sites and the information for contacts associated with a site, click on the sites link.
If you have authority to edit permissions for officials and contacts in the system you will see the permissions link. Click on it to change permissions. To access the list of teams and the information for contacts associated with a team, click on the teams link.
If there are any announcements in the system posted for assignors to see they will be displayed in the space below the green announcements bar.
This is the top half of the Assignor’s Start Page.
This is the lower half of the Assignors Start Page screen.
Sports/Levels are defined by the system assignor and are not available to local assignors to edit.
Leagues, which is a grouping function, can be accessed by clicking on the leagues link. Announcements can be created and posted by clicking on the announcements link.. Additional web pages and info lists can be created and linked under forms by clicking on the forms link. Payroll allows games with defined bill tos to automatically have pay rates selected, etc. Information is the link where you will find all of your contact info as an assignor in the system.
Assigning Officials to Games When you click on the Games link from the Start page the games screen will appear.
Filtering Game Lists Using either the predefined game list selections or by defining your own, you can select which games will appear in the list. To access the games filter click on the drop down button box at the top of the games screen as indicated in the next slide.
The games list filter box
Clicking on the game filter box brings up a list of selections. Those listed below the line are system defined and those listed above the line are custom selections saved by the assignor. Selection lists created by the assignor Predefined system selections list
Predefined Selection Lists The predefined selection lists bring up games in groups found to be most useful by assignors. For example Future Games with Issues brings up a list of all games which have not yet been played and which have not yet had referee assignments made and accepted completely by the referees. To use a predefined selection list click on it
Custom Defined Selection Lists This option allows an assignor to create and save specific selections lists a particular assignor finds useful. For example in the previous list displayed, the selection “Missing Slots” will create a list of all games where one or more of the officials slots on the game are unassigned. To use a custom select list, once it is created and saved, click on it.
Creating Custom Game Selection Lists To make a new custom selection list start by clicking on the new button.
Clicking on the new button beside the games filter box brings up this screen.
To save your selection list for future use give it a name and when the criteria have been set, click on save.
The drop boxes on the left side are used to set the conditions games must meet to be selected. They can be used in combination with each other.
For example, if you wish to limit your game list to games at a certain playing site, including sub-sites, click on the sites drop box and the list of sites will be displayed. Click on the one you want to set the criteria.
To select games of only a certain level, click on level to bring up the available level and click on the one you want.
To set conditions for game slots to select games, click on slots to bring up the choice list and click on the condition you want.
The sort boxes on the right can be used to set the order in which selected games are displayed. You can select the sort conditions to use by moving the selected sorts from the right box to the left and you can choose the primary, secondary, tertiary, etc. sort order by using the vertical arrows to arrange the sort order.
If you do not want to save for future use the game selection you set up, you can click on get result and the selected games will be displayed.
The Selected Games List Once you have selected the games you wish to work with the games list will be displayed. From this list you can access multiple features.
Use the + button to add new games. Use the pencil icon to open and edit the game information for the listed game. Use the trash can icon to delete the listed game.
To create a linked set of games under the link column click on the box in each game you wish to link and then click link. A number will appear in each box, the same number in each clicked box. This number is the latest number of all linked game sets beginning at 1 and rising depending on how many linked game sets are already listed.
Slots refers to the number of positions for officials on a match. The number normally ranges from 3-5, a Referee, 2 Asst Refs, and possibly a 4 th Official and an Assessor Under slots the 1/3 or 0/3 or 2/4 indicate the number of officials that have been assigned to the game and the total number of officials needed for the game. The color of the 1/3 or 2/4 indicates the status as well. Red means assignments are not complete, yellow means assignments have been made but not all accepted yet, and green means all assignments have been made and accepted by the officials.
An assignor can create, edit or read a game linked note by clicking on the note icon. An assignor can create, edit, or approve a match report by clicking on the R icon. NOTE: If the assignor creates the match report by clicking on the red R, the report will list the assignor as the creator. If you want the referee listed as the creator you need to go to that official’s record, act as him, and then create the report from his game list.