Summary of Test Beam Analysis Meeting - Jan 26 Eduardo do Couto e Silva
DATA STORAGE/RETRIEVAL 400 Gb disk provided by SCS thanks to Richard (1 week) ORACLE/Web base electronic log (1 week) Dave,Traudl,Karen Dave Lauben: Tagger data not all in ROOT format, some data needs synchronization between subdetectors, fix particular runs for the neutron counters
ROOT FORMAT Dan waiting feedback from everyone - deadline 1 week after web log system Preliminary checks Dan/Berrie (comparing with PAW ntuples) Need IRF-ROOT interface - Dan/Sawyer ? Need IDL wrapper - Jeff, Heather, Dan
TRACKER STUDIES Aim at freezing ROOT format (2 weeks) Propose standalone RECON for all subsystems (TKR ready in 1 week), means more flexibility and improve analysis speed. Several studies to be performed on tracker, Tasks at UCSC (Ian, Jeff, Robert) and at SLAC (Derek, Eduardo, Marios, Takanobu) Jose Angel/Wilko concentrate on RECON aiming at obtaining PSF’s.
PRELIMINARY PLOTS from Takanobu - dead channels (tracker) Berrie - Energy (CAL), CAL vs ACD, Berrie reported problems with ACD veto (discrimator bits) D. Lauben is investigating Al/Eduardo - Pulse Height vs Time (neutron counters)
DOCUMENTATION Traudl - nice user guide, concise and complete, needs feedback (on going medium term development) Eduardo/Karen - Web page with appropriate links and repository for notes (this week)
AOB Web conference suggested by Steve Ritz Eduardo waits for feedback from people to decide date for regular meetings - Monday or Friday (allocate 2 h slot). Results for paper will be discussed later since there are more urgent needs now (Data storage and log, preliminary checks, RECON, IRF-ROOT, ROOT-IDL)
SUMMARY 1 week - to get web based data log system 2 weeks - data stored into 400Gbyte disk and “freeze” ROOT format 1 month - IRF-ROOT interface (needed for GLASTSIM with standalone RECON) next meeting - expect plots from different detector studies, revisit IDL/ROOT wrapper, plots from RECON-standalone