Project Planning Committee Meeting–June 11 th 1.Summary of activities since the last meeting- (Prof. WGD. Dharmaratna- 5 mnts) 2. Lessons Learnt from IRQUE project- (Prof. D. Atapattu- 40 mnts) 3. Present status of the corporate plan- (Registrar, Mrs. P.S. Kalugama-5 mnts) 4. Progress of each activity Activity I – ICT –(Mr. Aruna Lorensuhewa-10 mnts) Activity II – English (Prof. Jeewanthi Amarasinghe-10 mnts) Activity III – Soft Skills (Prof. Sunethra Perera – 10 mnts) Activity IV – Ethnic Cohesion ( Prof. Gamini Senanayake – 10 mnts) 5. Discussion
Progress Since the Last Meeting: 1. World Bank has approved the fund 2. Some delay due to the change of Ministers and Secretaries. 3. Status as of May 17-21Status as of May More time to submit the SER – June 30 th 4. What should be the format of the SER?
Guidelines for the preparation of SER –Ruhuna UDG Each Sub-activity Committee In Each Faculty Should Submit a SER
SER LAYOUT Background 1 Summary of Analysis & Identified Problems 2 Improvement Plan 3 Performance Targets 4 Appendices 5
1.Background Special Emphasis on the Employability of Graduates Proposal Development Process (Data collections procedure) How Proposed Activities relate to the updated Corporate Plan
2. Summary of Analysis & Identified Problems Summary of SWOT and/or other Strategic/Situational Analyses More Elaborate Analysis could be as an Appendix References to the Relevant Table(s) of Appendices where appropriate List of Identified Roots of the Problems
3. Improvement Plan Name of Activity Background & Rationale Objective(s) Mechanism and Design Implementation Schedule Resources Required Performance Indicators Sustainability
Table A. Activity Plan
Table B. Proposed Budget (p.12)
Table C. Budget Distribution among Different Entities
4. Performance Targets Measured annually Methodologies to Measure each PI & to Obtain Data Activities to Achieve the Set Targets
Table D. Performance Indicators (p.13)