C HU H AI C OLLEGE O F H IGHER E DUCATION D EPARTMENT O F C OMPUTER S CIENCE Preparation of Final Year Project Report Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.


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Presentation transcript:

C HU H AI C OLLEGE O F H IGHER E DUCATION D EPARTMENT O F C OMPUTER S CIENCE Preparation of Final Year Project Report Bachelor of Science in Computer Science W.L.LO May 2008

The Final Year Project Report Project Report General Information General Information  Project Title  Students & Supervisor Information Abstract Abstract  A summary of work done in the project (1 Page) Table of Content Table of Content  Chapter titles, page numbers

Introduction Introduction Introduction  Introduction to the background of the Project  Reasons and Motivation of the Project  Aims & Objectives of the Project  Brief Summary of Project Outcomes  Brief Summary of Project Planning & Job Allocation

Background of the Project Background of the Project Background of the Project  Literature Review  Summary of what has been done in the related area.  Summary of technical approaches for the problem  Theoretical Background, Mathematical equations etc., Block diagram

 Design & Methodology  Basic System Setup Requirement and configuration  Methodology used in this project  System Block Diagram, OS System setup –  System and Database Design, DFD, ER- Diagram  Computer Programming language used, why choosing a particular programming language  Implementation Algorithms – Flow Chart  Reasons for using a particular algorithm Design & Methodology

 Project Outcomes and Results  Computer Simulation  Sample program runs  Data & Results obtained  Analysis on the Data & Results  Graph & Data Chart Project Outcomes and Results

 Conclusions  Summary of Project outcomes and achievement  Suggested further work  What improvements can be made? Conclusions

Individual Critical Review  Individual students have to submit their individual critical review in the “CONCLUSION” chapter for individual assessment on their ability to carry out critical analysis and review on the methodology or approach used for their own part.

Individual student have to include the following item in this review: Individual student have to include the following item in this review: 1. Details descriptions of Individual work undertaken and project achievement 2. Research and literature survey carried out for their own project parts 3. Conclusion based on item 1 and 2 with respected to the outcomes. 4. Having completed the project, the student should gain experience in the actual design and implementation process. Based on these experiences, the student should comment on: Individual Critical Review

4. Appropriateness of the methodology or approach used in the project after completing the project. Advantages and disadvantages of the approaches used in the project. 5. The explanation for the discrepancies between the theoretical expected and actual outcomes of the project. The practical problems involved in the project. The student could also give suggestion on further work to enhance the performance of the developed systems or to address the problems, which have not been solved in the project. Individual Critical Review

Appendix & References  Appendix  Materials closely related to the Project  Details of Datasheet  Project Meeting Minutes  *Optional - Parts of program lists for major procedures and implementation  References  Textbooks, Reference books  Journal paper, conference papers, web site references or other references

The User Manual User Manual User Manual  Basic System Requirement  Lists of System Functions & Commands –what the program can do or cannot do?  System Installation -How to setup the program?  How to run the program?  Description of System Variable & Parameters -How to set the program parameters?  Steps by Steps illustrations of using the program  Sample Program run input & output screens

Remarks  Please submit a CD-ROM to the project supervisor to include  Source code of the program  All project reports document files in MS Word & PDF format Project proposalsProject proposals Mid-Term Progress ReportMid-Term Progress Report Final Year Project ReportFinal Year Project Report User ManualUser Manual  Power point presentation slides

End of Presentation Thank You !