Meeting WP indicators May 31 - June 1, 2007; focus on development of the ECHIM shortlist Pieter Kramers Task Force on Major and Chronic Diseases Luxembourg June 19, 2007
WP indicators agenda summary Availability of data for the shortlist indicators –Overview prepared of data present in WHO-HFA, OECD and Eurostat: country reports –ECHIM survey among Member States; 78% response –Discrepancies between MS view and international databases: need of national focal point for international data connections –Bilateral discussions with country representatives; specific problems discussed –goal: improved availability of comparable data
WP indicators agenda summary (2) Documentation of shortlist indicators in fixed format, and in a new pilot web application (ICHI-3); items: –indicator definition (>1 options possible) –precise calculation (>1 options possible) –underlying concepts –relevant dimensions (country, year, sex, age, ses) –preferred data sources (>1 options possible) –rationale of selection –data availability (also in countries) –references
WP indicators agenda summary (3) Update (improvement/extension) of the shortlist –summary of suggestions from WP’s/projects until now –further process (follows) Progress reports from WP leaders and projects in WP indicators; projects presented: –FEHES (feasibility HES) –EUPHIX (PH information web site behind the Portal) –Urhis (indicators urban health) –Health care quality indicators OECD –ISARE (regional health indicators) Progress in SANCO and Eurostat See ECHIM website:
Shortlist update WP Indicators May 2006: discussion of a procedure; call circulated June 2006 WP indicators December 2006: many suggestions received, summarised in the meeting. From WPMM and TFMCD: –Mindful, Eurochip, Eurociss, EuroNeostat, EHEMU (all well- documented; thank you!) Core group ECHIM 7 February 2007: list of recommendations specified by (1) improvements, and (2) additions (document available)
Shortlist update (2) After February: suggestions from WP Lifestyles on indicators for alcohol, elderly, child health, gender- specific health Discussion ongoing with WP accidents/injuries, WP environment/health Still room for additional recommendations, based on new project results. Foreseen ECHIM core group fall 2007: final list of annotated project and WP suggestions
Further process (1) Improving existing indicators: –Continue collecting recommendations from WP’s and projects –Recommendations commented and discussed in ECHIM core group (including Eurostat), with view on appropriateness and feasibility –Implement in indicator information sheets.
Further process (2) Adding new indicators (reminder: limited number!): –Basic procedure agreed earlier (June 2006) –Early fall 2007: check suggestions for remaining questions and compliance with agreed criteria; feedback to projects –ECHIM core group fall 2007: final proposal of the list of recommendations, of Delphi selection procedure –WP Indicators meeting end 2007: carry out selection procedure –ECHIM core group spring 2008: discuss and amend results; prepare proposal for WP Indicators –WP Indicators June 2008: agree on additions to the shortlist
Further process (2) Improving (1) and adding (2) together will provide a new release of the shortlist by the end of the ECHIM project in 2008