Grinshill Community Meeting Welcome Tom Wycherley Grinshill Parish Council.


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Presentation transcript:

Grinshill Community Meeting Welcome Tom Wycherley Grinshill Parish Council

Meeting Format Meeting scheduled to last 90 minutes. Presenting slides that will contain key data in 11 areas along with associated comments for each. Please keep questions until the end of the presentation. Approximate Timings Presentation of Data30 Minutes Question and Answers30 Minutes Action Planning30 Minutes

Objectives for today To share the key data from responses concerning future development and other areas of concern that has been raised by residents To discuss control of future development to ensure that it meets with the limited small scale objective and fits with our Village Design Statement To agree what needs to happen next to take these areas forward.

Key Question Previous Public Meeting Do we maintain a zero policy on development as a standalone community? Or Do we change our stance to accept limited small scale infill development to be built in line with our Village Design Statement?

Result of Key Question Those wishing to maintain a zero development policy - 43% Those wishing to accept limited small scale development - 57% The results provide a mandate for limited and controlled development.

Community Response Rate 133 questionnaires despatched 60 returned………45.1% Location Percentage Returned (of total received) East of Grinshill (including Cronk Hill, Woodstyles, Mount Cottages) 20% Middle of Grinshill55% North of Grinshill (The Hill)8.3% South of Grinshill (Sandy Lane including Merry Lane) 6.6% Address not supplied10%

Change of Tenure If you were to consider a change to your current tenure, what would you require? Type of tenure % Open market to buy50% Open market to rent13.3% All Types of housing18.3% Question not answered18.4%

Limited Development Would the Parish benefit from limited development? YesNo 56.7%43.3%

Comments linked with development Extend the development boundary Limited infill development to be controlled within the development boundary Areas around Sansaw and the Hill Edge of settlement Boundary to be redrawn to encompass the East of the village (Cronkhill) Cricket club land adjacent to the Pumping Station, Vicarage, Vineyard linear development East of Dunsmore

Development comments cont….. East and West side of Grinshill up to the Hill, Sansaw Heath Infill between the A49 and Cricket Ground Rear of the Inn, Grinshill Land adjacent to Quarrymans Track Infill development on the Hill Grinshill to remain unspoilt for future generations

Number of Houses How many houses do you think should be built in the Parish during the period up to 2026? Number of houses % % 6 – % 11 – 155.0% 16 – 206.6% % 25 plus6.6% Question not answered 40.14%

The Existing Development Boundary

Housing Type What type of housing might be appropriate? Housing Type % Affordable15% Open Market Housing to buy16.6% Open Market to rent0% All types of housing30% Question not answered38.4%

Size of Housing What size of housing would be appropriate? Size% 1-2 Bedroom15% 3-4 Bedroom8.3% Bungalows6.6% All sizes of housing31.6% Question not answered38.5%

Size of Plots What size of development would you like to see? Size of Plot % Single21.6% % % % Unlimited0% Question not answered45.2%

Control of Development “ “ Please be aware that the Parish Council is only an advisory body in the planning process. The ultimate decision on whether to grant planning permission or not, sits with the Local Authority or the Planning Inspectorate in the case of appeals”

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) What would you like to see any CIL money used for? Community activity at the Cricket Pavilion Improvement to the Church Roads, verges and drainage improvement Countryside protection Maintain footpaths and access to the Hill Restore and maintain woodland and surrounding area for walkers and leisure Improved access to the Church and Village Hall Improve existing facilities More community activities….village fete Meet Grinshill’s medical and educational needs

Volunteering If there were leisure facilities built, would you be prepared to help with day to day running? Yes16.67% No51.67% Question not answered 31.66%

Village Website Does the website contain relevant information? Yes63.33% No10.0% Question not answered 26.67%

Comments about Website Parish Information out of date Website could be improved. Needs areas pulling together and better main page Website is a bit basic There is no need for a website as we have managed hundreds of years without one

Other Comments Highways need to be kept in good condition Preserve and protect the countryside Neighbourhood Watch refresh Telephone box to be kept and possible use as a library Broadband consistently poor Bring the Village Hall up to date

Question and Answer Session Opportunity to ask questions and raise issues and concerns that are important to you. 30 minutes Please raise hands to ask questions!

Community Action Planning Our plans need to set out our community priorities. Will form part of addendum to the current Parish Plan and Place Plan. Any development will require Conformance to the Village Design Statement. Need the community to engage with setting activity plans out and help to execute them. Need clear governance and control measures led by the Parish Council. How do you want us to feed back planning progress for all of our activities to the community?

Summary The Community have provided views in a choice of format. The results provide a mandate for limited and controlled development Data has been independently collated and shared with the community. Any development will need to conform to the Village Design Statement. Now need to get action plan underway. Community engagement is vital. Actions will form part of review of the Parish Plan and Place Plan. Full results of the consultation exercise can be found on the village website in the Parish Council section at:-

Thank you for your attendance and input. Have a good Bank Holiday!