What are Sounding Boards? Peer Feedback/Learning Model Structured opportunity to work on a focused issue Based on model described in book Every Other Thursday by Ellen Daniell
Sounding Boards Format Get into your Peer Learning Groups. (See “Peer Learning Groups Roster”) Identify a timekeeper for your group. (Using the timer on your cell phone is a good idea.) Each person gets 10 minutes to work on a burning issue related to today’s workshop Timekeeper gives warning when 1 minute is left
Individual Time Format 10 minutes per person Describe a burning issue related to today’s workshop. Share what has been tried (2-3 min). Specify type of feedback wanted (1 min). Peers ask clarifying questions and offer feedback (5-6 min). Make a contract at the end of your time to take action related to issue and include timeframe (1 min).
Peer Learning Groups Peer Learning Groups meet at least once after each workshop. Confidentiality within group is a ground rule. Facilitator assigned for each meeting. (See “Peer Learning Group Roster” last number in last column.) Facilitator has responsibility for: ◦ Scheduling and facilitating group meeting ◦Capturing significant “Aha’s!” (learnings/insights) from group meeting ◦ ing a short (2-3 sentence) summary of “Aha’s” to [insert program director name] before the next workshop. Include list of participants, date and time of meeting.