P2P Media Summit – Los Angeles Monday June 11, 2007
MediaSentry Fusion Nicole Pearson Director, Marketing
25+ year history as security technology leader Protect communications, identities, and content $290M revenue (2006) The leading platform to MANAGE, PROTECT, and DISTRIBUTE premium content online MediaSentry Services Strong, established relationships with the world’s foremost entertainment companies and their industry associations
Convert piracy events into promotional opportunities by engaging a captive and growing p2p audience MediaSentry Fusion Extend existing, successful business models to a new market Ad-supported Pay-to-play Redirects to micro/cross-promotional sites Ecommerce Event Marketing
Meeting the needs of the market… Consumers Access to premium content (albeit conditional), through an engaging experience Advertisers Advertisers Tremendous brand opportunity with premium content and desired audience Content Owner Content Owner Turn a ‘piracy’ event into a legitimate business opportunity MediaSentry Fusion
Dana Jones CEO, Founder
Average of 7% CTR to Sponsor’s site 73% of Viewers complete the Ultramercial Average of 53 seconds of engagement Viewers click to start every Ultramercial Ultramercials are premium commercials that viewers CHOOSE to watch as “payment” for premium content It’s a bridge between “free” and “fee,” that gives content owners a high-CPM ad unit to monetize their best content: from editorial, to music downloads, to games or VOD. This creates a halo effect for the sponsor.
Ultramercial's metrics routinely out perform those of the other rich media companies. Results based on all viewer-started Ultramercial ad units across all sites 1an 1-–Dec 31, Completion Rate is the percentage of viewers who complete the ad and click to receive their premium content. Click-Through Rate is percentage of viewers who clicked on a sponsor’s link for more info, and is calculated on the number of completed ad units. Average Time of Engagement is measured in seconds and is based on completed ad units. Notes on Ultramercial reporting: 88% of users were on Broadband. Remaining viewers were served low-bandwidth HTML-only creative. Viewing times exceeding 2 minutes were deleted. Average run times vary from commercial-to-commercial.
Ultramercial’s model has gained wide acceptance with over 160 advertisers running 550+ campaigns
Ultramercial’s works with over 40 publishers inside our network.
File Sharing “Content Module” Ad-supported format that calls back to Ultramercial’s “Mother Ship” that handles Ad Serving, DRM, even direct sales of content.
Ultramercial’s desire is to be “Switzerland” Just as we work with dozens of different competing online publishers, and advertisers, we want to work with many partners inside the P2P industry.
Results of Beta Test: 54% Take Rate (percent of those who launched ad from torrent) 12% Click-Through Rate 37 Sec of Engagement Time 39% Completion Rate