THE IEE ENGINEERING THE FUTURE “by facilitating the exchange of knowledge and The advancement of ‘engineering and technology’ through publishing, education and our networks – we inspire thought that realises potential and positively affects humankind”
OUR VISION To be a world-class engineering institution by being: International in scope Relevant to new technology areas A strong voice A respected qualifying body
OUR RECORD Founded in 1871 – Society of Telegraph Engineers and Electricians Worldwide membership in over 128 countries 130,000 members 90 branches worldwide
OUR SCOPE Our ranges of interests and disciplines cover: Communications Computing and Control Electronic Systems and Software Informatics IT Manufacturing Power
OUR ROLE Knowledge provider Renowned publisher High quality events and courses provider Qualifying body Voice of the profession
EVENTS Over 2000 events a year - many are webcast and archived for online viewing Branch – arranged locally covering local members’ interests National - seminars/colloquia/lectures throughout the UK International - seminars/colloquia/lectures and exhibitions New interactive service Accessed via IEE website in ‘Real’ format IEE Events available online straight to your desktop
RANGE OF QUALIFICATIONS Fully embracing range of qualifications: Chartered Engineer ( CEng ) –introduction of new technology Incorporated Engineer ( IEng ) –apply new technology in everyday practice Engineering Technician ( Eng Tech ) –focus on performance of tasks
OUR WORK WITH SCHOOLS & STUDENTS Work with schools to encourage and increase the understanding and awareness of the electrical engineering profession covering ages 5 to 19. One example The Faraday Lecture to 1.3m school children. Flipside new magazine for group Special community for students IEE Circuit
IEE BUSINESS PARTNER What it is: a route to and for communication a two sided statement of intent: -that we – the IEE – continue to work with industry for the good of engineering -that you – industry – support and endorse our efforts -a ‘business’ membership
IEE BUSINESS PARTNER What you get: opportunities to network through local branch and Business Partner events opportunities to network through national events opportunities to use IEE events and publication for the benefit of your company opportunities to influence academe and therefore academic standards and qualifications opportunities to use Professional Network events/seminars/colloquia to raise the profile of your company
IEE BUSINESS PARTNER What you get: direct access to IEE staff regarding all aspects of Professional Development, Mentoring, guidance on Engineers’ Professional Registration links to specific and relevant IEE web pages which will help and support your company’s engineers member discounts for non member staff
IEE BUSINESS PARTNER What you get: to sum up “a two way dialogue – you can put in and take out as much as you like to enhance your business and the engineering profession” a “win win” for your company and the IEE
USEFUL WEB LINKS Main IEE website Professional Networks Schools Students Business Partners