FITNESS 102 Cardiopulminary Training. Functions of the Cardiovascular System Knowing the functions of the cardiovascular system and the parts of the body.


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Presentation transcript:

FITNESS 102 Cardiopulminary Training

Functions of the Cardiovascular System Knowing the functions of the cardiovascular system and the parts of the body that are part of it is critical in understanding the physiology of the human body. With its complex pathways of veins, arteries, and capillaries, the cardiovascular system keeps life pumping through you. The heart, blood vessels, and blood help to transport vital nutrients throughout the body as well as remove metabolic waste. They also help to protect the body and regulate body temperature.

Importance of training the Cardiopulminary system Help reduce blood pressure Strengthens the heart and lungs Pushes cholesterol deposits out of the arteries Helps to maintain joint integrity Can lower your heart rate Helps reduce body fat

Cardio-pulminary system

How do we get our fuel to run the engine?

Bioenergetics The way your body converts food into a usable form of energy More specifically… Fats* Carbs* Protiens

Bioenergetics Body uses Fats, Carbs, and Protein for energy by the three different energy systems. 1. ATP-PC system (Phosphagen System)* 2. Glycolosis* 3. Aerobic System * These are aerobic systems

ATP-PC System Rapidly provides the body with ATP ATP- Adenosine triphosphate (this is what your body breaks everything down into for energy) ATP ADP PC ATP

ATP-PC System This system only lasts about 7-10 sec Then exercise has to stop or slow down. Recovers after about 3 min of rest

Glycolosis Also provides ATP rapidly Involves the breakdown of glucose or glycogen You invest 2 ATP molecules and at the end you get 4 During the process the glucose gets broken down and hydrogen ions are stripped away were the attempt will be to take them to the aerobic system. Byproduct of Glycolysis will be pyruvate or LACTIC ACID.


Aerobic System Made up of Krebs Cycle and electron transport chain Fats, Carbs, and Proteins can be taken to the Krebs Cycle When hydrogen molecules get produced in Glycolysis if enough oxygen is present then they will be taken to the Krebs cycle Krebs cycle’s primary function is to take the potential energy from the hydrogen molecules and take them to the electron transport chain.

Aerobic System In the ETT the hydrogen's combine with oxygen and other substrates to produce 3-4 ATP molecules


Which energy At the onset of cardiovascular exercise body goes through and oxygen deficit Oxygen Deficit- Lack of (oxygen) O2 in the muscle at the beginning of exercise.

Which energy During Aerobic exercise such as swimming, biking, running, etc… the body primarily uses fat as a fuel One reason why doing cardio burns body fat

Physiological effects of the Cardiovascular System Increase size in the ventricular chamber (Why) More capillaries that surround the muscle tissue (Why) More mitochondria in the cell (Why)

Pulse Sites Temporal Pulse Carotid pulse

Pulse Sites Brachial Pulse Radial Pulse*

Pulse Sites Femoral Pulse

Checking Pulse When your checking your pulse or counting someone else's use the radial pulse Use your pointer, middle, and index fingers. Place fingers just below the crease where your hand and wrist meet below the thumb. Count the # of beats for 60 sec. to receive someone's pulse.

Normal Pulse Rates For ages 11 through adult 60 and 100 beats per minute (BPM) For someone very physically fit - 40 to 60 BPM For a child 1 & under- 100 to 160 BPM Children 1 to to 120 BPM (these are all averages)

Activity 1. Take out a piece of paper and record your pulse 2. Record the pulse rates of each person in your group. 3. Are the pulse rates that you got similar to the pulse rates that your partners received for themselves (within 5 BPM)? If not what went wrong? 4. What is the range of pulse rates in the group? 5. Were there any variables that made someone's heart rate lower ie. Regular exerciser, medical condition, play a sport, smoker, etc…)?

Designing a cardiovascular workout Est. Goals 1. Lose weight/Body fat 2. Just stay healthy/Get into better shape 3. Get better at a sport/faster at long distance running

Designing a cardiovascular workout Know what training zone to train in % of your VO2 max Beginner fitness/Just want to stay healthy % of your VO2 max Average fitness level/Good fat burning zone % of your VO2 max High fitness level/Want to increase cardiovascular performance athletically. VO2 max- The amount of oxygen being consumed by the body.

Designing a cardiovascular workout Find your Target Heart Rate (THR) or training heart rate But First some Acronyms… Max Heart Rate (MHR) Resting Heart Rate (RHR) Heart Rate Reserve (HRR) Target Heart Rate Range (THRR)

Designing a cardiovascular workout Find your Target Heart Rate (THR) or training heart rate Step age=MHR Step 2. MHR-RHR= HRR Step 3. HRR x Low VO2 max percentage= # HRR x High VO2 max percentage= # Step 4. Low # + RHR= THRR High # + RHR=THRR

Designing a cardiovascular workout Mr. Peifer’s THRR Step (age)= 196 (MHR) Step (MHR) – 55 (RHR)= 141 (HRR) Step (HRR) x 65%= (HRR) x 75%= Step (RHR)= (THRR) (RHR)= (THRR) THRR is between 147 BPM and 161 BPM

Activity 1. Find your THRR without a calculator. 2. Get the THRR for each person in your group. 3. Did you find similarities in your THRR vs. the people in your group…..Why? 4. Joe is a 16 year old high school athlete who wants to increase his VO2 max. He has a resting heart rate of 70 BPM. As Joe’s friend what VO2 max percentage would you recommend for him and help him find his THRR.

Answer = 204 MHR = 134 HRR 134 HRR x 75%= HRR x 85%= BPM=170.5 THRR = THRR