George I. Sanchez Charter School [Houston] John De La Cruz Principal
George I. Sanchez charter School Demographics Enrollment650 GradesPK, 7 th – 12 th TypeAlternative LocationHouston - Urban
George I. Sanchez charter School CategoryGISState At Risk84.6%47.2% LEP24%16.9% Low Income81.1%59%
Vision No clear mission No long term vision No alignment to community needs
Teacher/Staff Capacity Number of teachers/staff certified Number of teachers highly qualified Discipline over pedagogy Ownership of responsibility Professional growth
Professional Development Instructional delivery Planning Assessment Alignment
Instructional Practices Vertical alignment Horizontal alignment Data driven Research based
Campus Culture Punitive Non-collaborative Low expectations Limited buy in
Community Involvement Lack of community involvement Low parent engagement Negative community perceptions Limited partnerships
Students Significant gaps Low self-motivation and low expectations Limited parent involvement Lack of ownership in the education process
Vision Analyze campus data to assess the success in serving the learning community Bring community and campus members together to create a common vision Align programs to meet the future needs of the community Bring in the personnel to implement the components of the new vision
Teacher /Staff Capacity Provide opportunities for teachers/staff to be certified and highly trained Match HQ teachers with HQ needs Create incentive programs that focus on academic achievement Implement systems that focus on instructional pedagogy Develop PLC’s and campus based leadership opportunities
Professional Development Analyze data to determine appropriate PD for staff Create PD calendar that optimizes opportunities Bring in systems that track data and train staff how to use those systems Expect to see evidence of PD implemented in the classroom Create trainer of trainer model
Instructional Practices Allow for common planning time Develop a common campus dialogue Common template for lesson plans Use data to drive instruction Research based PD implemented campus wide
Campus Culture Change the alternative campus mindset Bring collaborative practices Raise expectations Build leadership across the campus
Community Involvement Create meet and greets Seek input and maintain communication Share the Vision Seek out and develop partnerships Create systems to maximize community involvement
Students Implement instructional programs that help students close the gaps Implement Positive Behavior Systems Emphasize the positives and use the support systems More choices and more focus on future opportunities
Vision Education as the core of the non-profit organization Aligns with NCLB and college career readiness Allows for a comprehensive education that meets the needs and wants of the community SMARTer than before
Teacher/Staff Capacity Number of certified staff: 2010 vs. Present Systems in place: 2010 vs. Present Incentive and leadership opportunities:2010 vs. Present Staff and teachers: 2010 vs. Present PLC’s: 2010 vs. Present
Professional Development Data software systems now in place Trained staff that now uses data to drive instruction PD plan that builds on and extends previous PD “Inspect what you expect” attitude campus wide Tap into the best/most motivated staff to create trainer of trainer model
Instructional Practices Collaboration at all levels Consistent practices and expectations Data sharing Best practices: innovation, relevancy, rigor, and reflection
Campus Culture Comprehensive opportunities making GIS a a school of choice PLC’s and a larger community presence High expectations for staff, students, and parents diverse Numerous leadership opportunities for the entire campus community
Community Involvement Parent and community involvement increasing rapidly Greater parent input and more resources Positive impressions – Positive results 2010 vs. Present New systems, new programs, new staff
Students Systems: 2010 vs. Present Merits and recognitions Data and surveys: Parent and student satisfaction levels New classes and new opportunities in 2011
Turning the Corner PBMAS TTIPS CCR & CTE NDPN
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Thank You! “Our Students Are Transforming Today For A Better Tomorrow” John De La Cruz Principal Giselle Easton Dean of Instruction Terri Kouba Teacher Facilitator Bianca Arriazola Teacher Facilitator Roger Ramirez Teacher Math Rosas Lead counselor