GM Foods Luke Jamin Hofmann Tony Thomas Angela Joy Teagarden Deborah Lynn Sloan
Which of these might be genetically engineered? Answer: only the yellow squash (front right).
By changing the natural DNA and RNA sequences in genes, scientists are able to create genetically modified (GM) foods. Selective pollination--a very primitive form of GM Foods-- has existed for thousands of years. More recently, the use of new DNA technology has allowed specific, isolated, genes to be transferred.
There are numerous techniques and newly understood methods of altering genes. The use of specific polymerases, ligases, and helicases allowed for better sequencing, replication and recombination techniques that are vital to modifying genes. Continued research on how viruses and bacteria effect host cells has provided innovative ways to insert specific genes.
While there are numerous modified foods currently on the market, their alterations revolve around SIX primary measures
Trait Modified Plants Gene Source | Insect Resistance (Bt) corn, cotton, potato, tomato soil bacterium (first type of modification) Herbicide Resistance corn, soybeans, cotton, canola, sugarbeets, rice, flax various bacteria Virus Resistance squash/zucchini, papaya, potato plant viruses Delayed Fruit Rpng tomato soil bacterium/virus Altered Oil Content canola, soybeans bay or soybeans Pollen Control corn, chicory (radicchio) soil bacterium
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