COACHING AT THE BUILDING LEVEL Lori Newcomer – University of Missouri
Key Role of Coach Teach and encourage use of data to evaluate and guide fidelity and effectiveness of implementation Provide support that creates capacity. Assist with setting measurable goals and monitoring progress Technical assistance on primary and secondary systems
Request for Coaching Assistance With Issues Related To: Data Entry62% Data Analysis and Decision Making14.3% Agreeable Systems of Student Reinforcement9.5% Data Collection7.1% Adult participation in system (buy-in)2.4% Team Tasks2.4% Teaching schoolwide expectations2.4% Scott & Martinek, 2006
Rehearsal and Coaching After initial training, a majority of participants (211 of 213) demonstrated poor implementation. Decision-makers should pair training prior to implementation with on- going rehearsal and performance feedback (coaching) Test et al 2008 © Dean Fixsen, Karen Blase, Robert Horner, George Sugai, 2008
Example of the Impact of Coaching on Student Outcomes: Average Major Discipline Referrals per Day per Month Coach returns from leave © Dean Fixsen, Karen Blase, Robert Horner, George Sugai, 2008
Coaching at the Building Level often requires shaping “groups” into effective teams Teams Shared authority and responsibility All members share leadership Individual and team accountability Shared results and rewards High degree of self-direction Members work together to produce results Groups Limited sharing of authority and responsibility Leadership rests with one or a few individuals Individual accountability Modest sharing of results and awards Limited self-direction Results are produced by individual effort Stroh, Northcraft, Neale, 2002
Characteristics of Successful Teams Clear Group Objectives Role Differentiation Rule Clarity Membership Communication
Academy of Management Review, Apr2005,
Enhancing Coaching Effectiveness Assist schools in assessing existing efforts and structures (EBS Survey, TIPS Progress monitor goals using Coach’s Implementation Checklist. Use data from both instruments to determine areas schools are most in need of support, the amount of support needed, and whether they are ready to move forward Use schools’ annual self-assessment to plan for future coaching and support activities