NYSESLAT Webinette 4: TOMs -Targets of Measurement ~ New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test Webinette 4: TOMs -Targets of Measurement ~ PLDs - Performance / Proficiency Level Descriptions Updated November 2015
Shift 1 Cont’d: NYLS via Progressions: ToMs and PLDs (4) For the purpose of assessment development, Linguistic Demands are articulated as Targets of Measurement (ToMs). Each test question reflects one specific ToM: ToM 1 ToM 2 ToM 3 ToM 4 ToM 5 Then, aligned to one determined Performance Level (PLD) : PLD 1 > Entering PLD 2 > Emerging PLD 3 > Transitioning PLD 4 > Expanding PLD 5 > Commanding (3) Linguistic Demands (2) Progressions (1) NYLS - ELA Each grade span has its own set of ToMs by modality. Updated November 2015
Targets of Measurement (TOMs) https://www.engageny.org/resource/new-york-state-english-a-second-language-achievement-test-nyseslat-targets-measurement The ToMs describe what students should be able to do at each grade band level Educators can use this resource to ensure their instruction and formative assessments are aligned with these targets. Files are organized by language modality: Listening Reading, Writing and Speaking Updated November 2015
Shift 2: Five English Language Proficiency / Performance Level Descriptions (PLDs) English language proficiency has shifted from 4 to 5 Performance Levels to allow for more differentiation among students: Spring 2014 and earlier Beginning Intermediate Advanced Proficient Entering Emerging Transitioning Expanding Commanding Spring 2015 and Forward A student who scores at the highest proficiency level (Commanding) has met the linguistic demands necessary to meet the discipline-specific standards. After exiting ELL status, a student is considered to be a Former ELL, and is entitled to Former ELL services and assessment accommodations for Grades 3-8 State assessments and Regents Exams for two additional school years. Updated November 2015
Shift 2 Concl’d: Five English Language Proficiency / Performance Levels Unlike the former NYSESLAT, each test question on the Spring 2015 NYSESLAT and on is intentionally written to a specific Performance/Proficiency Level. Policy Level Definitions for English Language Learners across all grade levels: (1) Entering (formerly Beginning) (2) Emerging (formerly Low Intermediate) (3) Transitioning (formerly Intermediate) (4) Expanding (formerly Advanced) (5) Commanding (formerly Proficient) A student at the Entering level has great dependence on supports and structures to advance his or her academic language skills. As measured by the NYSESLAT, a student at this level has yet to meet the linguistic demands necessary to demonstrate proficiency in a variety of academic contexts within this grade level. A student at the Emerging level has some dependence on supports and structures to advance his or her academic language skills. As measured by the NYSESLAT, a student at this level has yet to meet the linguistic demands necessary to demonstrate proficiency in a variety of academic contexts within this grade level. A student at the Transitioning level shows some independence in advancing his or her academic language skills. As measured by the NYSESLAT, a student at this level has yet to meet the linguistic demands necessary to demonstrate proficiency in a variety of academic contexts within this grade level. A student at the Expanding level shows great independence in advancing his or her academic language skills. As measured by the NYSESLAT, a student at this level is approaching the linguistic demands necessary to demonstrate proficiency in a variety of academic contexts within this grade level. A student at the Commanding level is now designated as a Former ELL, and entitled to receive two years of continued ELL services. As measured by the NYSESLAT, a student at this level has met the linguistic demands necessary to demonstrate proficiency in a variety of academic contexts within this grade level. Updated November 2015
Performance Level Descriptions (PLDs) https://www.engageny.org/resource/new-york-state-english-a-second-language-achievement-test-nyseslat-performance-level PLDs link individual targets of measurement to what ELLs should be able to do at each of the five performance levels With the New Language Arts Progressions (see link on webpage), PLDs can be used to help design scaffolded instruction and differentiated assessment to target students at different performance levels, as well as design a scope and sequence to move students along the continuum of language acquisition. Files are organized by modality Updated November 2015
THANK YOU! Thank you for viewing this NYSESLAT webinar series and visiting www.p12.nysed.gov/assessment/nyseslat/ and www.engageny.org/resource/new-york-state-english-a-second-language-achievement-test-nyseslat-resources For more information and resources on the NYSITELL & NYSESLAT, email EMSCASSESSINFO@nysed.gov For more information and resources on Bilingual Education and English as a New Language Programs, contact: ELL/MLL Programs: Contact OBEWL at obefls@nysed.gov Albany Office 89 Washington Avenue 528 EB, Mezzanine Albany, NY 12234 Tel. 518-474-8775 Fax 518-474-7948 New York City Office 55 Hanson Place, Room 595 Brooklyn, NY 11217 Tel: 718-722-2445 Fax: 718-722-2459 Updated November 2015