1 18 th December 2008 Good governance; developing and managing an effective board Just Debbie facilitating today….. Jane Jenkins joins us later to share her board experiences.
2 Learning Objectives Many, but mostly……. To have the confidence and information to start to determine a plan for governance development for your organisation
3 Action Learning task: how was it for you? Produce a one page plan for developing and/or reviewing the artistic vision, mission and objectives of your organisation. Include a short description on how you might respond to the issues raised by the ACE consultation document on self assessment and peer review.
4 How are we currently governed? What do you perceive as being effective governance? What is the ideal? How far are our organisations from that ideal? What issues do our Boards have? What are the things our boards are good at? What are their strengths? What opportunities do they bring? What are the challenges and issues we face currently regarding governance? (eg in the structures, the constitution, the skills and knowledge of the board, the commitment, the engagement etc)
5 Governance structures: roles and responsibilities 25 minutes to consider the role and responsibilities of the board and the senior staff (prepare to share with the whole group) Group 1: Tim, Ralph, Roz, Pippa, Lesley, Rani, Derek, Martyn Group 2: Sarah, David, Nikki, Kate Tyrell, Liz, Marilyn, Kate Morgan, Ruth Staple Group 3: Erica, Mary, Neal, Ruth Cohen, Paul, Dee, Fahmida
6 Role of the Board To approve policies and procedure Provide leadership, support and encouragement To contribute to and approve medium and long term plans for the organisation To monitor the implementation of policy To ensure compliance with the law To be responsible employers To appoint the CEO(s)
7 Role of the Board... Continued To ensure the financial solvency of the company To act as ambassadors and advocates Provide leadership, support and encouragement Ensure the board is effective, including succession planning Ensure the fulfillment of the objectives of the organisation Provide an overview.
8 Role of the CEO/senior staff Developing the artistic/organisational programme for approval Effective leadership Day to day management Drafting policies and procedures Producing medium/long term plans for approval Monitoring all aspects of plan implementation Ensuring compliance with the law
9 Role of the senior staff.. Continued Implementing employment policy and procedures Appointing staff managing financial performance Acting as spokesperson and ambassador for the organisation Reporting to and communicating with the board to ensure its effectiveness
10 Tea break
11 Making structural choices What structures do you currently have? Are they working for you? Have you considered structural change? Why?
12 Jane Jenkins: How to make governance work. The experiences of a board member and chair
13 Lunch
14 How Standards can help: Analysing the board skills you need and want Unit 1: Safeguard and promote the values and mission of the organisation Unit 2: Determine the strategy and structure of the organisation Unit 3: Ensure the organisation operates in an effective, responsible and accountable manner Unit 4: Ensure the effective functioning of the Board
15 Working in organisational groups… Skills and performance analysis of your board: Does your board collectively meet the standards in the 4 units? Concentrate on the unit(s) that presents the greatest challenge to your organisation What additional skills does your Board need/want to meet the Standard? Prepare to feedback key points to the group
16 Feedback
17 Mapping the roles… What’s the role of the Chair? Treasurer? Company Secretary? How do we ensure that governance and management don’t overlap?
18 Recruitment, induction and succession planning Does your Board have a succession plan? How does your organisation recruit and select board members? What is your induction process for board members? Can these be improved? How can we manage the board as a team?
19 Tea break
20 Mixed group task Where do we find the good ones? How do we get rid of the superfluous ones? 1.Sarah, Martyn, Neal, Marilyn, Derek 2.Erica, Roz, Pippa, Paul, Ruth 3.Tim, Nikki, Liz, Rani, Fahmida 4.David, Mary, Lesley, Dee 5.Ralph, Kate Tyrrell, Ruth, Kate Morgan
21 Feedback
22 Action learning task Produce a 1 page plan for governance development for your organisation and upload on the wiki by 10 th January
23 User group: we want your input Next session: teleconference shift from 15 th to 14 th January Have a good break, happy holidays and here’s to 2009 Housekeeping
24 How to be a strategic board Think long term – the big picture Contribute to planning process – be aware of external environment Clear delegation – trust the staff to make day to day decisions Ensure have necessary policies and procedures – and review regularly Understand how the organisation works Respect line management Avoid the trivial – focus on key issues Draw lessons from monitoring, rather than concentrating on detail Provide leadership – be committed
25 Delegating with clarity Clear decisions and minutes Written limits to authority Clear processes, policies and procedures Communications – always check clarity Understanding own responsibilities Clear job descriptions – for Board and CEO(s) Business plans with detailed action plans Board clarity in relation to retained authority Agenda setting – avoid day to day management issues