Bohdana Sychevska RECRUITMENT
Plan 1. The need for effective recruitment. 2. Job analysis. 3. Five categories of analysis. 4. Methods of recruitment. 5. Internal recruitment. 6. External recruitment. Plan
1. The need for effective recruitment Recruitment is the first stage in the management of human resources. 1. The need for effective recruitment
2. Job analysis Job analysis can be used by firms in : selecting employees; setting pay; disciplinary interviews; promotion and job appraisal. It contains the skills, training and tasks that are needed to carry out the job.
3. Five categories of analysis Task analysis; Activity analysis; Skills analysis; Role analysis; Performance analysis.
4. Methods of recruitment External recruitment Internal recruitment
5. Internal recruitment It gives employees within the company a chance to develop their career. There may be a shorter induction period as the employee is likely to be familiar with the company. Employers will know more about internal candidates’ abilities. Internal advertising limits the number of applicants.
6. External recruitment Commercial employment agencies. Job centers and professional recruitment agencies. Headhunting. The Careers Service.
Recruitment is becoming more and more important in business.
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