Sector Project „Regional Networks of Competence on Land Policy and Land Tenure“ 1 Contribution of land tenure reform to poverty reduction Panel Discussion.


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Presentation transcript:

Sector Project „Regional Networks of Competence on Land Policy and Land Tenure“ 1 Contribution of land tenure reform to poverty reduction Panel Discussion on How can land tenure reform contribute to poverty reduction ? by Prof. M. Kirk, Marburg University C. Graefen, GTZ European Forum on Rural Development Cooperation Montpellier, France 4-6 September 2002

Sector Project „Regional Networks of Competence on Land Policy and Land Tenure“ 2 Contents 1.Circumstances 2.Pro-poor policy and action 3.Policy and action for marginalized groups 4.Types of actions by donors/EU and different roles Contribution of land tenure reform to poverty reduction

Sector Project „Regional Networks of Competence on Land Policy and Land Tenure“ 3 Circumstances I Tenure reform – broader concept but tailor-made options LDC with large agricultural sector –Securing access to land and natural resources –Access restrictions on common property –Secondary rights –Titling rarely an option – local documentation of rights –Arbitration committees

Sector Project „Regional Networks of Competence on Land Policy and Land Tenure“ 4 Circumstances II Transformation Economies –Land consolidation incl. state intervention –Privatization – social obligation of property –Banking, marketing etc. facilities –Institutional restructuring and customer- orientation –Land ownership markets – policy guidance and close supervision by state –Land rental markets – key to better allocation

Sector Project „Regional Networks of Competence on Land Policy and Land Tenure“ 5 Circumstances III Dualistic distribution of land ownership  Negative farm-size productivity relationship  Land redistribution – incl. compensation mechanisms; under political, social and economic stability  Land and property taxation (land valuation)  Substitution of land as capital asset with programs for business start-ups, human capital creation

Sector Project „Regional Networks of Competence on Land Policy and Land Tenure“ 6 Circumstances IV Peri-urban areas  Tenure security for informal settlers/squatting – simple methods for registration of rights  State role for urban planning, tenure security crucial  Land/property speculation - corruption  Enforcement and legal instruments

Sector Project „Regional Networks of Competence on Land Policy and Land Tenure“ 7 Pro-poor policy and action  Comprehensive, inclusive, transparent and participatory national land/resource policy  Uniform legal and regulatory framework for private and legal persons and state – legal pluralism !  Functioning land administration - subsidiarity  State-active land development (land use planning, expropriation, zoning) - enforcement  Remuneration for positive externalities (bio-div; water resources, recreation)  Community Based Natural Resource Management

Sector Project „Regional Networks of Competence on Land Policy and Land Tenure“ 8 Policy and action for marginalized groups  Compensation for loss of secondary rigths  Awareness creation for traditional authorities to protect marginal groups  Associations for legal representation  Political representation of pastoralists – Herder Association  Resource mgt. flexibility reflected by legal frame

Sector Project „Regional Networks of Competence on Land Policy and Land Tenure“ 9 Types of actions by donors/EU and different roles I  Task Force on Land – common approach  Balanced approach between liberal markets and state intervention - guidance - enforcement  Protection of ownership issues of partner countries  Arbitration on intergovernmental land issues (EU)  Active Mediator: Partner Country - World Bank (EU)  Stronger, coordinated focus on CEEC and CIS (EU)

Sector Project „Regional Networks of Competence on Land Policy and Land Tenure“ 10 Types of actions by donors/EU and different roles II  Capacity development – legislation, registration, taxation, valuation etc. (donors)  Information management – networks (FAO & donors)  Training Institutes in PC – Tandem Universities (donors & others)  Civil society organisations – professional associations (donors & others)