Industrial Revolution Economic Philosophies
Capitalism Founders: Adam Smith Thomas Malthus David Ricardo
Capitalism Classic Works: Smith The Wealth of Nations (1776) Malthus Essay on Principle of Population (1798) Ricardo Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (1817)
Capitalism Philosophy: Free market economy Laissez-faire (“Hands off”) Little to no government intervention in economy Allow the market to regulate itself Goal of business is to make profit
Capitalism Reforms: Opposed to any government efforts to become involved in economic affairs
Socialism Founders: Charles Fourier Saint-Simon
Socialism Classic Works:
Socialism Philosophy: Government should actively plan the economy Public ownership over factors of production
Socialism Reforms: Public ownership would eliminate social problems associated with industrialization Greed Corruption Poor working and living conditions Class structure
Communism Founders: Karl Marx Fredrich Engles
Communism Classic Works: The Communist Manifesto (1848) Das Kapital (1867)
Communism Philosophy: All factors of production should be owned and controlled by the government
Communism Reforms: Private property would cease to exist