+ The Brain Unit 6
+ The Brain Your brain contributes to homeostasis by receiving sensory input, integrating new and stored information, making decisions, and causing motor activities. It controls intelligence, emotions, behavior, and memory. The brain weighs 3 lbs and has more synapses than there are stars in the Milky Way Galaxy (10 15 )
+ The Brain The brain is the control center of the entire nervous system. White matter in the brain are parts that have more fat, which help speed up nerve impulses. Gray matter does not have that fat, called myelin.
+ The brain: Cerebrum The cerebrum makes up the majority of your brain. It controls conscious activities, intelligence, memory, language, movement and the senses.
+ The brain: Cerebellum The cerebellum is located at the back of your brain. It controls your balance, posture, and coordination.
+ The brain: Brain Stem The brain stem is where the brain connects to the spinal cord. It controls involuntary activities and relays messages to and from the brain.
+ The brain: Brain Stem The brain stem includes: The medulla oblongata controls breathing and heart rate. The pons helps the brain communicate. The midbrain helps control both sight and movement
+ The brain: Diencephalon The diencephalon is above the brain stem. It contains the Hypothalamus: releases and controls hormones and glands Thalamus: regulates sleep and alertness
+ Other brain parts Hippocampus: controls memory Corpus Callosum: made of white matter, helps the brain communicate Pituitary gland: main gland that makes hormones
+ Diseases and Disorders Multiple sclerosis (MS): myelin around the neurons is damaged, communication slows, body stops responding Depression: lower levels of serotonin in the brain Shingles: caused by the chicken pox virus, damages nerve ends and causes pain
+ Diseases/Disorders Parkinson’s Disease: cells can’t make dopamine, body stops responding, brain stops all processes Alzheimer’s Disease: build up of protein in the brain, causing memory loss and loss of body functions
+ Unit 6 Diseases and Disorders DiseaseCauseSymptomsSusceptibilityTreatmentPrognosis Alzheimer’s Depression ADHD Hydrocephalus Ataxia Concussion Aphasia Stroke Brain Tumor TIA Reye’s Syndrome Aging
+ Brain Project: Creative Writing Individual 1. Write a short story, poem, play, etc. incorporating what you learned about the brain and the nervous system. It should be words in length. 2. Then, write a 4 essay paragraph explaining: The anatomy of the brain The physiology of the brain How the brain helps the body maintain homeostasis How your creative writing piece integrates knowledge of the brain and nervous system into your story 3. Extra credit will be offered to those who choose to read their creative writing portions of the assignment out loud to class.