Learning Objectives By the end of this training session, you will be able to: 1. Find the First Report of Injury form for injuries on the job 2. Determine initial actions when injured on the job 3. Go to the correct location for medical treatment if injured on the job 4. Take necessary forms to the medical provider if injured on the job 5. Locate information on illness, injuries and first aid in the Emergency Response Manual 6. Make a judgment about when to administer first aid, and when to call for help 7. List items that should and should not be in an ACPL first aid kit 8. Call the correct phone number in case of emergency 9. Tell four requirements for being a First Responder at ACPL
ILLNESS/INJURY/FIRST AID Workers’ Compensation: When you are injured on the job
Report the Accident or Injury Report immediately Complete First Report of Injury form.First Report of Injury
Go to RediMed RediMed Clinic Downtown Anthony Wayne Building 203 E. Berry St.(map) (260) Mon-Fri: 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Sat/Sun: 2-8 RediMed Clinic New Haven 1302 Minnich Road (map) (260) Mon-Fri: 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Sat/Sun: 8 a.m.-2 RediMed Clinic North Coldwater Road (map) (260) a.m.-8 p.m. dailymap RediMed Clinic Northeast 3717 Maplecrest Road (map) (260) a.m.-8 p.m. dailymap Redimed Clinic Southwest 7333 W. Jefferson Blvd. (map) (260) a.m.-8 p.m. dailymap
Emergency? Go to ER
Medical Authorization to Treat form Bring this form to RediMed
Drug/Alcohol Test
Work Restrictions Temporary Accommodations for work restrictions Light Duty for transitional assignments
Work Restrictions Regular work Temporary assignment R E S T R I C T E D D U T Y PoliciesProceduresSchedule
Return to Work – No Restrictions
Return to Work – with Restrictions R E T U R N T O W O R K Time off approved? Work as assigned
What Else Should I Know? Regular time Day of injury
7-Day Waiting Period
After 7 Days 66⅔ %33⅓ %100% Worker’s Compensation Sick, Vacation Personal Time Total Compensation
More Than 21 Days More than 21 days 66 ⅔% for waiting period Benefit time used Reimburse library 66 ⅔% Library reimbursed Benefit time reimbursed
Further Appointments - Compensation Appointments outside of work time Library pays when appointments must be taken during work time
Further Appointments – Your Responsibility Doctor appointment Physical therapist Follow up with doctor
FMLA Workers Compensation
Return to Work – Worker’s Compensation Case Closed Fitness to Return to Duty form Medical release to return to work No restrictions Permanent Restrictions Another position is located within the library
Working Another Job
ILLNESS/INJURY/FIRST AID Emergency Response Manual
Minor Injuries Information on illness, injury and first aid can be found in Category 1 of the Emergency Response ManualEmergency Response Manual
Assess the extent of the injury Treat minor injuries
ILLNESS/INJURY/FIRST AID First Aid Kits: Do’s and Don’ts
First Aid Kits: Do’s and Don'ts
Up-to-date Inspect once a month
First Aid Kits: Do’s and Don'ts
Serious Injuries & Illnesses Main Library: Call 3333 Branches & DiSalle: Call 911
ILLNESS/INJURY/FIRST AID What care may I provide?
The “Good Samaritan” should only provide the very basic level of care.
What care may I provide? Only provide the basic care to the level at which you have been trained.
What care may I provide? An untrained “Good Samaritan” should not attempt these techniques.
ILLNESS/INJURY/FIRST AID When Helping Causes Problems
Do not administer medications or fluids.
When Helping Causes Problems Assist only
Who can be a “First Responder?”
First Responders Anyone who is currently certified in Basic First Aid/CPR or higher and meets the below criteria: Has received approval through their agency senior manager. Has been offered/received an up to date series of Hepatitis B vaccinations (Paid by the library). Has received or will receive paid “Blood Borne Pathogen” training through the library. Has received or will receive paid Basic First Aid/CPR/AED training through the library. Who can be a “First Responder?”
Q: Do people such as those with informal training such as a Boy Scout have permission to treat those who are injured? A: No, only those who are currently certified should offer any first aid care.
Common Questions Q: If no family member is around to provide needed medication, what should staff do? A: Get 911 involved at this point. It is best not to get involved in a medication situation. EMS should arrive quickly and will be able to make those decisions.
Common Questions Q: Do all of our security staff have first aid training? A: Yes, Security staff do have the training or will be receiving the training. If a staff member is interested in getting first aid training they should first talk to their manager and the manager will contact HR and the security manager.
QUESTIONS? Information for all safety training has been provided by John Hidy, Security Services Manager, Allen County Public Library. For more information or if you have questions, contact John Hidy, x1281or
To finish your safety training, please complete the quiz. complete the quiz