WP 5: Status and plans Hymn Brussels
1.Start off with with test run for year 2004 using existing emissions. UiO started last week (tropospheric model version) TM5 a couple of techincal problems to solve LMDZ ? Evaluation of the simulations: Comparison FTIR, satellite, NOAA ESRL Model output suggested in s from Stig Dalsøren Feb and May Assess the dry deposition scheme in the models and adapt it to LPJ output (first year). Communication on and meeting between KNMI and Rita Wania in April. Discussion yesterday 3. Long term simulations (start month 27): KNMI (trop+strat); UiO (trop+strat); LMDZ (?). Period: LMDZ and TM5 using ERA40 met data UiO using IFS met data What about TM5 and LMDZ after year 2000? Problem after year 2000 no global anthropogenic emission inventory available How to handle fluxes/emissions of longlived components as methane and N 2 O?
4. Evaluation and analysis: Analysis: - Trends - But also: What are the important scientific questions for the HYMN species during the period? Should probably put emphasis on some key issues. Evaluation: Surface measurements (NOAA, ALEGAGE); FTIR, SCIAMACHY (IASI). One step further: How can the information from both measurements and models be used to increase the understanding of some of the key issues. 5. Sensitivity simulations: Impact of CH4 from vegetation (suggested last meeting) Change in N 2 O (NOx) emissions due to introduction of biofuel (Crutzen2007) ? Others to be defined 6. Future simulation: 2030 (last year of the project). UiO only model to do this. Could/should be cooridnated with EUROHYDROS project. EUROHYDROS not yet defined future emission scenario and simulations. 7. Extend the simulations to 2008 (FTIR and IASI) ?