Needs Assessment of American Cancer Society Patient Programming in Wyoming County, New York. Mariah Turk / Public Administration Introduction – Purpose Statement Cancer. It is a word that no person ever wants to hear. Yet, people throughout the world hear it every day. The purpose of this study is to conduct a needs assessment of American Cancer Society (ACS) mission delivery programs in Wyoming County, NY. Working with the ACS’s Wyoming County Coordinator, I will survey Wyoming County cancer survivors to understand program needs, discuss programming with the Wyoming County Coordinator, and offer recommendations based on my findings. Review of the Literature The literature review begins with an analysis of the ACS’s mission, organizational design, and outreach programs, gleaned from published materials and informational interviews with ACS national and regional administrators (as needed). Support for cancer patients is a necessary component of effective treatment. From the moment of diagnosis to the recovery and survivorship, support should be a priority. Unmet support needs can eventually lead to additional stress on the body. Support can come from many areas in life, family members, caregivers, providers, education classes, religious communities, social groups and event online communities (Smith, Hyde, & Stanford, 2015). Social support for a patient acts as a protective factor against stress including psychological and physical stress. Patients who reported receiving social support received a more positive prognosis with higher levels of optimism and self-esteem (Lewandowska, 2015). Methodology Sample Selection This study will utilize a sampling frame of ACS registered survivors in Wyoming County, New York (individuals designated as survivors from the moment of diagnosis). All members of the sampling frame that include an address will be invited to participate in the study. Research Design & Instrumentation A mixed methods exploratory sequential mixed methods study is planned. Phase I will involve extensive consultation with WNY’s ACS’s Wyoming County Coordinator. These consultations will help me to understand and describe the programs available in WNY and her thoughts as to underutilization, popularity, costs associated with programming, etc. The second phase of the study will be quantitative, consisting of a web- administered survey delivered via the Qualtrics Platform. Survey questions will include, but not be limited to subjects such as duration of treatment, side effects of treatment, geographical barriers, knowledge of American Cancer Society programs, past program participation (ACS and other programs), what programs they are interested in (ACS programs available in WNY will be described). References Lewandowska, M. (2015). Social Relations and Pediatric Cancer: The Struggles of Adolescent Cancer Patients. NYU - Steinhardt. Smith, A., Hyde, Y. M., & Stanford, D. (2015). Supportive care needs of cancer patients: A literature review. Palliat Support Care, 13(4), The American Cancer Society has several patient support programs available across the nation. Throughout the United States, there are thirty- two Hope Lodge locations. Hope Lodge provides patients and their caregiver’s free accommodations when their best hope for treatment may be in another city or unusually far away from their home. While some patients live too far away from treatment, others live close enough but may still need transportation to receive that treatment. Road to Recovery provides free transportation to and from treatment for those who do not have a ride or are unable to drive themselves. The Look Good Feel Better Program is a group workshop that is a two-hour, hands on workshop that includes a detailed description and demonstration on how to care for patient’s skin while also teaching techniques on how to apply makeup as complexion is affected by treatment.