Learning Outside of Class By Christopher Popp and Tim Thrune
Getting Involved Participating in activities outside the classroom leads to success List of available activities is endless Be responsible to the activity May benefit directly to coursework Other benefits vary
Field Trips Physically being involved in learning greatly enhances the experience May also be useful for the experience to be used for other classes
Social Events Informal events help to get to know people for who they are Allows for insight into how the social structure of the school works For example, with professors, you may see why they feel strongly about their subject
Review Sessions Sometimes optional class meetings, often before a major exam They allow you to clear up any questions you may have Gives a good indication about what may be question on the test, and how to answer them
Special Programs There are many types of programs Honors, developmental/remedial, or programs related to a specific field of study Gives a head start on finding out information that may usually not come until much later
Learning Centers Places to receive help on areas you may be weak in Are available for a wide variety of reasons Can still be helpful to a student already receiving strong grades
Internships Gives students the chance to try out a real life job setting Potential to impress employers There are some that may pay you
Study Abroad Traveling can offer many advantages Is usually expensive Lots of great experiences Useful time to explore new areas
Jobs How many hours to work varies from person to person You need to decide what fits your situation Try to find a job that relates to your field of study
Learning from Working Some jobs may relate directly For instance, a Physical Education major working at a gym Or an Accounting major working with the finances of a company
Personal Relationships Help to learn what the world is like Learn about yourself while interacting with others Don’t let new relationships kill the older ones you have
Exercise Feel better and be more alert Excellent stress-reliever Learn to set and achieve short-term goals Makes you feel better Should be something enjoyable to you
In Summary Being a part of activites outside of class is as important as being an active student in the classroom There are many opportunities available outside of the classroom that are not available in any classroom setting