Common Interview Questions And how to answer them
Tell me a little bit about yourself 1.How well your organize 2.What skills a compatible with the job
How to Answer Open with a remark that defines you or highlight a skill that the company wants.
Answer for life history version I was born in …to a family who owned a family store, where I helped during the summer…..
In 1987, abc company called 1.Increased sales by 36% 2.Increased profits by 28% 3.Helped revamp retailer outlets
When asked for reasons why you did something… 1.Be specific, but don’t stray from your main points. 2.Remember, you are the right person for the job.
What are your greatest weaknesses? 1.If you were offered a self- improvement course, what would it be? 2.In your last evaluation, where did you rank the lowest?
How to answer 1.Pick weaknesses that are not weaknesses I am an overachiever,
Be ready for a follow-up question How have you successfully addressed your weakness? Tell how you’ve improved and why it’s not a major problem.
What are your greatest strengths? Detail oriented
In school, what did your peers or professors think of you? What would you say here? Pause for discussion.
Before the interview Write down ten strength in order of importance. Memorize them. Then, when the interview is taking place, ask yourself, what is this company looking for?