What do you like to do in the water? Why? I like to __________ in the water because ___________. Objective: To listen and respond appropriately to oral communication.
“Way Down Deep” Objective: To develop the ability to listen for a purpose.
very every their from does use way under here many Objective: To read high frequency words.
Phoneme Blending Objective: To segment phonemes in words.
for fort port pot spo t Objective: To build and blend words with /or/ and other known letter-sounds.
Doris got a pot of corn. Then Doris got a fork. “I will eat the corn in my fort,” Doris said. But Spot wants corn, too. “Stop, Spot!” yelled Doris. Spot eats the corn. Now Doris and Dad will go to the store. They will get more corn.
1. or 2. for 3. form 4. more 5. store 6. sort 7. long 8. bring 9. your 10. head Objective: To use /or/, /ore/, and other known letter-sounds to spell words.
adapt intriguing inhabit Objective: To develop robust vocabulary by discussing ideas and situations.
If an animal adapts to a place, it had body parts or ways of acting that help it live there. adapt Objective: To develop robust vocabulary by discussing ideas and situations.
The thick fat and fur help the seal adapt to the cold, icy land. I use a heavy coat to help me adapt to cold weather, or live comfortably in it. What else do we use to help us adapt to cold weather?
intriguing If you think that something is intriguing, you are curious about it. Objective: To develop robust vocabulary by discussing ideas and situations.
Animals that live in the land of ice are intriguing to read about. I think penguins are the most intriguing because they are birds that swim instead of fly. Which animal do you think is the most intriguing?
If you inhabit a place, you live there. inhabit Objective: To develop robust vocabulary by discussing ideas and situations.
The penguins, seals, and fish all inhabit the land of ice. I’m glad that I do not inhabit a place that is so cold. It would be hard to live there and go to school. Would you like to inhabit this place?
Dear mrs washington, We read the story “Land of Ice.” It is by mr norbert wu. We really liked the penguins. Sincerely, ____________class Objective- To correctly capitalize and punctuate special names and titles for people.
Use question marks at the end of questions. Use question words such as who, what, when, where, why, and how. Use capital letters that begin names and titles. Use periods at the end of titles. Objective: To compose effective interview questions; to brainstorm before writing; to punctuate questions correctly.
Think of something you found intriguing in “Land of Ice.” Turn and talk with your partner and tell them questions you have about it. Draw a picture from “Land of Ice” that you found intriguing. Then, write questions you might have about it. Objective: To compose effective interview questions; to brainstorm before writing; to punctuate questions correctly.