Welcome Learning for Living and Working in London 12 May 2008 Neil Roberts London West LSC
Strategy Development 01
Inclusion through Excellence Progression through Partnership Valuing People National Learning for Living and Work strategy Background
Draft strategy launched in June 2007 Consultation events across London Machinery of Government changes July 2007 London Skills and Employment Board Strategy October 2007 Learning for Living and Working in London January 2008 Background
Strategic Goals 02
Goal 1 To expand employment opportunities and improve progression routes into employment of different kinds Goals
Goal 2 To provide people with better services through effective partnerships working at local, regional and national level. Goals
Goal 3 To understand better what learners and employers want, the services currently available and what changes need to be made Goals
Goal 4 To reshape the curriculum so as to support people in achieving their potential for independent living and employment Goals
Goal 5 To make a good range of opportunities accessible throughout the region through shared expertise and building local capacity Goals
Implementation 03
Implementation Structure Strategic Partners Group Transition Task & Finish Group Planning Task & Finish Group Investment Task & Finish Group Employability Task & Finish Group London East LLDD Network London North LLDD Network London West LLDD Network London Central LLDD Network London South LLDD Network Governance Structures of the partner agencies e.g. the LSC Regional Council
Purpose: To oversee the implementation of the strategy, to negotiate responsibilities, to apply resources to priorities and to ensure a coherent implementation. Membership: GLA LSC JCP London Councils LDA Skill (Voluntary Sector) Valuing People ALDCS Also seeking: GOL, NHS, ADASS Strategic Partners Group
Purpose: Shared Data Analysis To determine data gaps To improve data reliability To consider data compatibility and To agree data sharing. Business Planning alignment To identify and plot relevant agencies business planning process To develop a common business planning timeline to provide future demand projections Planning Task and Finish Group Contributing to Goal 2 – providing better services through effective partnerships Goal 3 – understanding better what learners want
Purpose: Response identification Reviewing practice across service delivery Determining the best responses to support the specific needs. Reviewing existing provision Determining key investment priorities. Investment Planning alignment To identify and plot relevant agencies investment planning process To develop a common annual investment process to meet future demand projections Investment Task and Finish Group Contributing to: Goal 3: better understanding learners needs, current services and changes needed Goal 5: to make a good range of opportunities available
Purpose: Best practice dissemination Identifying good practice of work with LLDD in learning and employment Developing a directory of good practice and disseminating. Encouraging alignment of curriculum to best practice and the employability agenda across London Engaging employers Developing a model of representing the value of people with disabilities to employers through the Single Employer Offer Employability Task and Finish Group Contributing to: Goal 1: expanding employment opportunities Goal 4: reshaping the curriculum to support independence and employment.
Purpose: School to college Understanding the information and presentation needs of colleges Understanding the information available in schools Developing a cross agency transition protocol from school to college Learning to work Understanding the information and support needs of employers Understanding the information available in learning Developing a cross agency transition protocol from learning to work Transition Task and Finish Group Contributing to: Goal 1: expanding employment opportunities Goal 2: improve services through partnership Goal 5: making opportunities available through shared expertise
Purpose: To ensure practicality of proposals of Task and Finish Groups. To articulate provider views on tackling the barriers to independent living and work for people with disabilities To canvas and represent views from people with disabilities on the progress of the strategy. To provide ideas, information and examples of good practice to the task and finish groups. Operation: Each LLDD network will be convened by an LSC Partnership Director LSC will contract with an agency to support the network The Partnership Director will report back to the network on progress and will outline forthcoming decisions. The Partnership Director will present ideas from the network to the Groups. Local Area LLDD Networks
What is happening in London West? 04
Feedback meeting 29 th February st network meeting 4 th April 2008 Next meeting 6th June 2008 Broad group local issues – regional influence London West