Part 1 – exercise #1: Student-Athlete MO Plan Part 2 – exercise #2: Staff MO plan Part 3 – exercise #3: Self MO plan Workshop Feedback
Step 1 – go to website: hefcoach Step 2 – go to menu title: 493 PSU Step 3 – go to topic title: Motivation Video Lecture + Mo Part (Must view ALL 3) Step 4 – View-Do and complete Exercises
#1 – List Exercise #2 – must write up (typed) responses to questions (workshops) for each (3 total) #3 – Typed Responses Dropped Rec Hall 3 rd Floor – Faculty Office Area – Paul Hefty (268D) *box outside door
EXERCISE #1 Develop a motivational plan of attack – outline of ways you can proactively motivate your athletes / team (design of rewards)? Examples – separate by timing-readiness (team management) 1. pre-season 2. in-season + post-season play 3. off-season *Must address all 3 phases for Portfolio (1 year plan as HC) Next – expand / explain / create / specific examples ***be creative / pull from past likes / dislikes / new ideas as well (shopping cart session = fill up cart with several meals = ideas to pull from for athletes-team-staff - ***brainstorm and develop). Last – remember 2 keys to motivation / 2 types / Flow / How’s
EXERCISE #1 Develop a motivational plan of attack – outline of ways you can proactively motivate your STUDENT-ATHLETE’S? MUST follow TRI writing method for each T = Thesis (Your idea - What specifically) R = Reference (cite ref from lecture = support) I = Illustration (concrete example of Mo method)
EXERCISE #2 Develop a motivational plan of attack – outline of ways you can proactively motivate your STAFF? MUST follow TRI writing method for each T = Thesis (Your idea - What specifically) R = Reference (cite ref from lecture = support) I = Illustration (concrete example of Mo method)
EXERCISE #3 Develop a motivational plan of attack – outline of ways you can proactively motivate YOURSELF? MUST follow TRI writing method for each T = Thesis (Your idea - What specifically) R = Reference (cite ref from lecture = support) I = Illustration (concrete example of Mo method)
WORKSHOP FEEDBACK: Dislikes-changes? Likes-keep? *Do Online Lecture-workshops again?