SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS A New InterfaceXpress Feature
Supporting Documents…How To Access InterfaceXpress via the board website or RealtyServer’s website: Access InterfaceXpress via the board website or RealtyServer’s website:
To add a supporting document choose the supporting documents tab in InterfaceXpress
Enter the MLS # of your listing and this screen will appear
Click on the Add new document button to add a new document
A screen will appear- see next page You can either choose one of the document title choices OR You can type in any title you choose to name your document REMEMBER YOU MUST HAVE ACTUALLY CREATED A DOCUMENT AND SAVED IT IN YOUR COMPUTER
Type in the title in the space named “title”
Next choose who you want to be able to see the document
Choose the document by clicking on the browse button
Add the document by clicking the “Add Document” button
You will see this dialogue box next- click “OK”
Once you have clicked OK the file will now display on the web page
To View Documents within a listing First to view documents you must be in InterfaceXpress. Second you must choose a listing by either searching or entering in the MLS number
To View Documents choose the documents tab
If there are documents the following screen will appear
Click on the document you wish to view- this screen will appear
To View the document click on the word View
The document will download to your computer screen Please wait a few moments for the document to download If the document is in a.pdf you may be asked to install adobe reader- a safe, free program- Install adobe reader to read adobe pdf documents