Important Music Class Information
Classroom Rules and Expectations Why We Have Rules Everyone has a job in the music classroom. The teacher’s job is to teach music. The student’s job is to learn music. We have rules so that no one person or person’s will prevent us from doing our job. Rules Follow directions the first time they are given Raise your hand for permission to speak Do not touch anyone else with your hands, feet, or any object Use instruments and materials the way they are supposed to be used Stay seated unless told otherwise We all Make Choices The behavior plan in the music room is based on choices. We can choose to follow the rules and learn and enjoy an important music lesson for the day. We can also choose not to follow the rules and in result keep others for doing their “job.” Because it is unfair to keep others from doing their job, we have planned consequences so everyone can learn. Choices/Consequences Breaking a rule-1st time : warning Breaking a rule-2 nd time: time out Breaking a rule-3 rd time: Parent/guardian is contacted by note or phone call Severe Behavior: Send to principal. Choices/ Rewards Individual: “Music Buck”, positive hand stamps, lots of, praise, the joy of learning and experiencing music Class-wide: “Six Star Day” Teacher writes the letters of the word STAR on the special “star” white board up one at time as the whole class exhibits good behavior choices throughout the class period. If they make it all the way to “R” and spell star, they get a star sheet to take back to their classroom. Once they have collected 6 stars, the entire class gets to have an extra recess during music time.
Music Grades Music grades are based on participation and are given as follows: E -Excellent S- Satisfactory N -Needs improvement U -Unsatisfactory
Music Supplies All 4 th grade students will be playing recorders this year. If your 4 th grade child already owns a C Soprano recorder from the following brands (Yamaha, Aulos, Angel, West Music, Harmony, Hohner or Peripole), please have them bring it to the music room to place in their “class bucket” for use during music class. If not, your child will be able to order one the first two weeks of school through a group purchase. Look for order forms in your child’s first Friday folder or stop by the music room on “Meet the Teacher Night” on August 18th for an order form. This is a non-profit purchase meant for your convenience at buying a quality recorder at half the price of local music stores. All 4 th grade students will be playing recorders this year. If your 4 th grade child already owns a C Soprano recorder from the following brands (Yamaha, Aulos, Angel, West Music, Harmony, Hohner or Peripole), please have them bring it to the music room to place in their “class bucket” for use during music class. If not, your child will be able to order one the first two weeks of school through a group purchase. Look for order forms in your child’s first Friday folder or stop by the music room on “Meet the Teacher Night” on August 18th for an order form. This is a non-profit purchase meant for your convenience at buying a quality recorder at half the price of local music stores.