Mandatory Art and Music Programs Art and music are vital for all schools and most of their students to strive toward a successful future. It needs to be mandatory for schools all across America to have art and music in their curriculums. Funding for these mind-opening and interactive programs has dropped nearly 100million dollars since 2003.
Reasoning Expressing one’s self through art and music can increase intelligence and brain activity. In school, they bring kids and teens together to teach them about working within a group and following along with a nominal amount of freedom. Another reason to keep music and art in school is to keep the youth interested in coming into school everyday. Learning isn’t all hard work, we shouldn’t be bound to our books.
Art? Music? Art and especially music are in a large retrospect of being functional in our society today. Raise your hand if you have any form of music in your picket right now, weather it be on an I-Pod or cell phone. Art is also all around us, just take a look around the S.A hall right in our own school or go downtown and just walk around
What can we do about it? Gaining national attention through various institutions and foundations would be a good starting point. After the issue is stressed and the public is aware. We simple go to congress to get a bill or law passed stating that art and music to be mandatory from kinder garden to high school to keep our future citizen from falling out.
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