6 th Grade Black Team Picture Show
Guess the Answer! You might run into this teacher if you go to all the auctions in town this summer.
Who is Mrs. Hillestad?
Guess the Answer What are the next letters in this sequence? ottffss __ __ __
Answer: ent The letters stand for the first letter in the numbers 1-10.
Guess the Answer This teacher used to teach music at MMS.
Guess the Answer What row of numbers comes next? This is a tough one!
The answer is: Each line describes what is in the line ahead of it
Guess the Answer I soar without wings, I see without eyes. I've traveled the universe to and fro. I've conquered the world, yet I've never been anywhere but home. Who am I?
Your imagination!
Guess the Answer What do these 3 have in common? Superman Moses The Cabbage Patch Kids
They are all adopted.
There are two plastic jugs filled with water. How could you put all of this water into a barrel, without using the jugs or any dividers, and still tell which water came from which jug?
Freeze one first then remove the plastic, pour the water in one jug in the barrel and add the ice. You will be able to tell what water came from what jug.
Guess the Answer What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it away?
What is charcoal?
Have a Great Summer! Be kind, be careful, see you next year! You are one terrific group of 6 th Graders!